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Insurance Renewal

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Well, my insurance renewal is now up again. And this year, I have decided to shop around rather than just except what Elephant offer me.

So far, Sky Insurance can do £640. I think this is quite good, with everything declared and they made sure it was down as a Glanza.

Oh and just found out, Sky told me that Elephant have my car down as a GT Turbo!!! Not good! So now got to phone them and get it changed, which no doubt they will try and put my insurance up. If they do I shall just swap to Sky.

What other Insurance companies have Glanza's on their systems?


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Yeah I have emailed them the details and they will call me with a quote.

But it looks like Sky is best so far.

The thing is, it's pointless using a comparison site because they don't have the Glanza on there. So no quotes are genuine.

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Yeah I have emailed them the details and they will call me with a quote.

I waiting for a phone call of Lifesure, put my details in yesterday

Try them, supposed to be pretty cheap on a Glanza, SooperD is with them paying £540ish FC with a ban and 3rd party on any other vehicle!!

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Yup lol!

I was pretty chuffed with that, and if I could pay upfront instead of monthly it would be even cheaper.

It's been reduced by £250 now. But thats because on my last renewal I wasn't quite 21 and now I am it has made a good difference!

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