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Boost, Actuator And Blitz Dbsc Setup Questions

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Right i've been doing some reading and I hope people will be able to give me some advice/ reassure me here!

When i've fitted everything above in this thread will I experience boost creep?

I have the HKS Actuator set at 0.8 bar at the moment and the electronic boost controller (Blitz DSBC) set to the same for a safe level.

Should I wind down the boost on the actuator for now whilst I "Run In" the new set up?

I don't want to eat the seals on the turbo or anything!

I've noticed that on the Blitz DBSC when you set the gain to 0 you get exactly what your actuator is set at on boost (well obvious really as there's no gain!)

BUT you can electronically add on gain with the DBSC so in theory the more gain I have the more boost i'll have!

Is this safe to do to the actuator?

Am I doing it right?

Any advice would be appreciated and rep will be added

PS: Admin/ Mods - not sure it this is the correct section so feel free to move if its not!



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your best winding actuator down and adjustng it up with boost controller so boost controller is doing more controlling and yes gain is how fast the boost build but adjust it too far up it will spike above what you want it to be at. but needs to be sat as high as possible to build boost as fast as possible or set it lower for more progressive and traction helping boost

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your best winding actuator down and adjustng it up with boost controller so boost controller is doing more controlling and yes gain is how fast the boost build but adjust it too far up it will spike above what you want it to be at. but needs to be sat as high as possible to build boost as fast as possible or set it lower for more progressive and traction helping boost

Thanks both - I think that helps me understand it a lot more and will be the reason why I spiked before then

Will be getting it set up at YVS soon so fingers crossed they will do all the fiddley bits for me LOL!


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there are 2 settings on the dsbc for boost control, these are set and gain. the set is how fast the turbo spools (in reality its how long it leaves the boost climbing until the ebc steps in to control it) if you have it set to low the turbo will seem slugish like when running standard actuator pressure, if its set to high it won't step in quick enough and you'll get spikes. The boost will also increase to a point if hte gain is increased with minimal set.

the set is the level of boost you want to run. i find it best to put the gain around 3-5 which is quite low, and increase the boost using the set mode. once you get it about right start increasing the gain until you see little spikes you can occasionally increase the gain slightly by dropping the set one click also.

Ideally you want the set at a level where its making the peak boost you wish to run, and the gain as high as you can get it without the turbo spiking all the time.

Hope that helps


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