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hey guys sorry if this has been discussed or if in the wrong place but what typre of cameras do yous use. im thinkin of getting one for ma holiday cumming up but mainly for the gt. dont have a massive budget because of the holiday but around about £100 give or take. any suggestions?cheers


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I've been looking into upgrading too, was in an argos store the other day and started flicking through the book to the cameras.. found a Canon one for £117, and it was knocked down by £50... thought that was a nice saving myself.. have been seriously thinking about it lately. Il try and find it on their website, its a nice camera too ;)

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yeah a was looking on their website because they advertised a 8mp digi cam for like 50 quid but am wanting a good one to cope with the sunlight (in turkey not glasgow lol) and movement of cars

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It was a big black one.. one of those better cameras, it wasn't one of the old peoples 'pictures of the grandchildren' cameras.. Seemed like a good spec to me, was on offer, this said, it was a week ago ;)

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If your after a fairly wiked camera get urself a Digital SLR but thats gonna rinse you money wise ull be looking at £250+ in all honesty

Id personally say save up n get 1

Alternatively you could try get a second hand one I've had my Canon 350D for a good few years now so if you can hunt down a good second hand 1 it shouldnt be out of your price range as they've release the 400d 450d and the 500d now so that should hammer the price down a bit ;)

But if your after something new n a bit cheaper try getting something with a sport mode

built in for like shooting cars (if their moving)

Canons n Nikons tend to be pretty good though ;)

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