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Look What Happened Near Me Yesterday

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yes mate not good

specially to say the next door unit was full of gas cannisters

you could hear them going off all night

if the wind changed direction they would to have evacuated the whole village behind it cause the smoke was that bad and thick. plus it was burning plastic and gas which are both very harmful

scary stuff

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yep thats why if the wind changed and blew it near the village they would have had to evacuate fukin hundreds of poeple

honestly hey shut the whole area off like a mile radius around the area

there was fleets of coppers and fire crews from gainsborough scunny and lincoln it was mad as fuck

quite scary hearing all them gas tanks exploding though theres some serious environmental damage too by the looks of it

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looks doubtful. the whole place went up in seconds apparently there probably wont be a building left when they put it out lol

its a shame as well cause the place is an ex RAF base as well so theres sentimentallaty there to loads of people as well

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yes people burning plastic produces bromine gas and more betterly known chlorine gas both increadably toxic and harmful not good for you! you would of thought they would have had defenses in place to stop the fire getting that badly outta control though.... :(

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yer i no but like fire breaks and stuff.

umm not sure about infertaile haha more to worry about the respertary side because chlorine can react with water in the lungs to form hydrochloric acid, an irritant which can be lethal. and the bromine gas has similar effects reacting with water and causeing irritation... probs sound like a right geek but chemistry amazes me like the reason onions sting your eyes when you cut them is cause they emit a vapour which goes to your eyes (wettest part of your body) and creates a weak form of sulphuric acid, thats why if you stick your tongue out when you cut them it ll stop your eyes stinging :(

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haha well i was told it in chemestry which like i said used to amaze me, books and stoof and a quick read up on wikipeidia lol just to make sure i wasnt teling you wrong stuff :(

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nah everyone run like fuck straight away

theyve finially put it out now

they were trying to stop the gas cannisors exploding not realising 2 units down there were two huge massive gas tanks sat in another part. so apparently instead of putting the fire out they were just focusing on keeping these tanks cool. they said of these tanks exploded it would have totally destroyed the whole place lol scary stuff for the fireman im guessing

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