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I think its funky.. definatley different, good laugh for when the police try to describe what the car is.. " Its emmmm a corsa? naw naw a pug? dont be stupid its a KA!!! i know my cars..." for one id keep my mouth shut if it were me because if they sign the wrong car on the on the Fine.. be it for points or what not.. well you can instantly appeal it. 99.9% when the fine is filled in with wrong details you can appeal it and all charges are dropped even points if it were.

(( tip to dummies dont jump the gun there and then because the policeman will scrap that fine and make a new one... so keep the trap shut till there away!! ))

I think whats been done to the car is an art... i dont see any muck ups.. its been well fitted and a nice colour..

atleas its not this...


You slag the car but the work that has went into that starlet is excelent craftsmanship!

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Guest cheshireglanza
I think its funky.. definatley different, good laugh for when the police try to describe what the car is.. " Its emmmm a corsa? naw naw a pug? dont be stupid its a KA!!! i know my cars..." for one id keep my mouth shut if it were me because if they sign the wrong car on the on the Fine.. be it for points or what not.. well you can instantly appeal it. 99.9% when the fine is filled in with wrong details you can appeal it and all charges are dropped even points if it were.

(( tip to dummies dont jump the gun there and then because the policeman will scrap that fine and make a new one... so keep the trap shut till there away!! ))

I think whats been done to the car is an art... i dont see any muck ups.. its been well fitted and a nice colour..

atleas its not this...


You slag the car but the work that has went into that starlet is excelent craftsmanship!


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i have those wheels on the escort on my borthers car well for bad body work there was a Micra around here with the hole front cover there was no vent or any thing to let air into the engine the car was up at my place for a long time with a melted head :thumbsup:

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I couldnt care less about the craftmanship, thats what corsa's and saxo's are for!!

Its not my cupa tea but it looks a job well done..

Im speachless! it actually made me a little angry when i saw it and the second time i played it (as i couldent belive my eyes) i got upset LOL

personaly i think your an idiot.. or just strange that you can get angry at a car thats not yours because its not to your standards.

I dont get angry at someone pissing on their car or fitting the totaly wrong bodykit... its their car. deal with it?

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nah sorry ross going to disagree with you on this one

i see what your saying and yeh its not my car and the work thats gone on is good but it doesnt look good at all. its nothing extroadinary as lew said its a corsa/saxo thing

i wouldnt describe it as an art. i saw it straight away and thought yet another chav overly doing it with a bodykit again. the only thing on this car i like is tthe colour

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