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well most folk know my gt has been off the road nearly 2 years come april as been doing a forge rebuild went out today to do last minute checks to the gt for its mot tomorrow noticed a bit of blue smoke from tail pipe checked the oil and the oil is a little emulsified totally gutted as in honesty i think i've spent probs over 2k on that engine and i was scrimping and saving to do it and i'm just seriously pissed off now put so much work into that engine and passed few months i've been getting real sick of it and thinking is it worth it and now i need to take it apart again don't know if i even want to put it back together so i may be doing a major sale thread :thumbsup:.

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mate i wouldnt worry to much i know uve scrimped and saved but thats half the fun of owning a performance car my bfs just spent out 20grand on his mr2 build stil got about another 3grand to go and for all we know sank could be rong after spending all that, its a machine at the end of the day n things are bound to go rong you just hav to stick it out :thumbsup:

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All good saying that still alot of money to me but its not really the money thats pissing me off well that don't help its the amount of hours out working on it (over 2 years) to be so close to getting it on the road to then find i'm having to pull it apart again. :thumbsup:

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sorry to hear this Colin dude! seriously! u have put alot of time, effort and money into the rebuild.

is there NO WAY the issue with the oil could be sorted without ripping the block to bits man?????????

if it comes to breaking we wont judge you dude, we would al understand your frustration, but you have come ALONG way with her to break her now man.


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sorry to hear this Colin dude! seriously! u have put alot of time, effort and money into the rebuild.

is there NO WAY the issue with the oil could be sorted without ripping the block to bits man?????????

if it comes to breaking we wont judge you dude, we would al understand your frustration, but you have come ALONG way with her to break her now man.


Cheers phil :thumbsup:

well possibly headgasket has failed but can't see it tbh as it is a cruise metal headgasket, so either cylinder head or block has a crack.

so if the head is cracked or headgasket has failed then i will repair it BUT if the block is cracked then i'm not playing no more she will be torn apart and the numerous parts i have bought for it will be sold, i really hope it is one of those as said alot of time has gone into this build and that was the only reason i kept at it but as said if block is cracked then enough is enough.


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if the block is cracked that would be a mega kick in the guts man. but theres alot of people nearby that would be willing to give ya a hand. call in the troops :thumbsup:

if i had done what you have and hd a cracked block i would probably be thinking the same.

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MATE YOUR KIDDING ME! ano how long youve been beasting at it. a mind back a while you talking about it,

am sure you said about it to monty did you no.

dont you bother your ar.se giving up on this car... too many hours in on it and too much money man...

how you think ive managed way my car all this time..

i put up with not being on the road i know how agrovating it is.. just keep at it dude honestly. soons its done youll be the happyiest lad about man!

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Cheers Ross :), yes i told monty about it ages ago, he still got them enkei's ?

and as you may have guessed by the pm i sent that i was working on it today and its not as bad as thought done a co2 sniff test turned out fine, heaters are blowing hot air no probs, changed oil and oil filter and it aint emulsifying, and it aint burning oil, so good signs :) ;) so yes i'm over the moon about it but few things i need to take care of fans not kicking in so think i'm looking at a new thermister and i need a new rad after getting a new one as the cold f***d the new one but rather buy another rad than pull the thing apart again so :p.

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Thank you guys :lol:

no probs geo :p defo up for a meet get its legs stretched so hoping next week to get it in for its mot as i just got pulled by the cops about my shed of a daily at the moment lol so it needs to get on road asap lol.

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good man colin. aye he has i assume.. a wanted them wheels aff the weee pr**k for ages... im due to just fire a couple oh hundered quid in his face lol

don't even think about it lol, as thats what i was thinking in doing lol.

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