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Motobike License

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just do your CBT, and you can use one upto a 125cc, if you want bigger you will have to do your test

x2 ive done my bike license just get your full test done, cbt only lasts 2years anyway, BUT you have to do your cbt before you can do the full license

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All depends on which way you pass your test I didthe resticted licence way so had to restict the bike to 33bhp for 2year but got the cert and pulled the restictor off lol when I got asked to produce the cert I did and no questions were asked. But that was 10years ago so not sure what the new rules are like if I can recommend a first bike it would be a CBR250R MC19 mine had a red line of 20,000 rpm it was insane

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No mate just don't go blasting it bfore u get used to riding it make sure it has decent tires same make and model front and rear as there usually designed as a matching pair to keep the handling top notch and keep chain and spokets up to scratch. It is alway good to get road wise on a smaller bike first but totally upto u it's completely different from a car you have to be very awear of what's going on as you will come out worse if someone hits u. I got hit 3times within the first 2year of riding because other drivers just don't look. Luckly I wasn't hurt much but I've seen some bad ones.

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Im also getting my bike license instead of another car license when im allowed to drive again in August. If you have a car license and you want a bike one then you have to take the Motorbike theory test first. It is pretty much the same test but for some reason you have to do it. I have spoken to the DVLA to check this too.

Im also getting a 600 too. Im undecided over an 07 ZX6R or an 07 CBR600rr :). As long as you take it easy, bearing in mind they do 0-60 in around 3.5 seconds, whilst learning then you will master it relatively quickly.


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Practice ;). Im taking a week crash course with manual CBT, and full test included. Im not pissing around with lessons for months like i did with my driving test. Oh yeah you need to do the Theory test before the CBT as you need the Theory certificate to take the CBT :).


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is it still if you do the crash course you dont have the limited licence for two years but if you just go straight in for your test your restricted to 33bhp for two years then after can ride anything?

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@ Luke - If you are under 21 then you can only do the restricted test, which means you are restricted to 33bhp for 2 years. If you are over 21 you can do the Direct Access Test which allows you to ride any bike when you pass. These rules apply whether you do a crash course or not :).

So if you are under 21 and do a crash course it will be for the restricted license and for over 21 then you can do either the restricted or the full DAT.

@ Kennedy - Crash courses are merely for the speed of passing. You will ride for the same amount of time doing lessons so im just doing it in one hit. Far far better than dragging it out.


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;) excellent idea. No point taking it and having to wait until you get a decent bike. I have been told by several riders that the older you are the more quickly you will get bored on a small bike. Fair enough it is sensible but more worth while mastering the bigger bike quickly :).


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I am also contemplating to do my bike test or not, I think I will to add another Jap motor to the collection.

A big fan of bikes too, when they're upright and not half way along the floor.

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Pretty sure you dont need to do your theory test to do a CBT lol.

when i done mine the guy asked me a few questions before we went out and the cbt test was practically a gaurenteed pass ued have to be an idiot to fail. i had an aprilla rs50 for my first bike it was awsome but sounded like an angry wasp lol then i got a cbr125 then i passed my driving test and never been on a bike since lol

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^^^ lol my first bike was a ns125r passed my cbt on it then my full test then bought a cbr250r MC19 that got nicked so next got a VFR400 NC24 had the vfr for 3 years and covered 500mile total sold it not riden since about 2006.

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