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April Fools

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i ll start the ball rolling facebooks the best

put as my status

Ben: Great just found out that cold sore I got is facail herpes... Fantastic start to the month :/

Danielle:Did u not know that's what cold sores are?x

Ben:No I did not was laughing about it the other day oh and it's uncurable :/

Laura:Cheers Ben...now ive gota go doctors! You should've got checked! FFS! x

Ben:Laura i dunno what to say I'm sorry love, I know I ve really pissed you off aswell only gettin one x look give us a call if you get a spare couple of minutes and I ll tell you what the drs said I'm sorry babe but you ve probably got it now aswell :D xxxxx

fooled a fair few people, my mate laura was obviously in on it

Angered a fair few to when they said what you gonna do, and i said "share and share alike, cause im a really generous person" paha

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lol my mate whos a mechanic spilled a bucket of oil on himself and then run to the boss and told him the 4 post jack thing had fell down and oil was pissin everywhere. thought that was pretty funny lol

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This can get a little serious so didn't bother myself. I can usually make up crap without giving the slightest suspicion, since I can do that, I believe it's safe not to bother. :D

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lol my mate whos a mechanic spilled a bucket of oil on himself and then run to the boss and told him the 4 post jack thing had fell down and oil was pissin everywhere. thought that was pretty funny lol

that was well good i like that :D

yeah addz is right though :D some people can go a lil to far

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I said on FaceBook that I just found out I was going to be a dad but a few people spoilt it :D

like the dad idea remember doing a similar thing to an old mate she tricked me into thinking she was a lesbian so i said a while after that i just found i was a dad she was like well she can have an abortian i was like no she doesnt want to

shame about others spoiling it though sparky :D

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i know someone that told their gf that he had chlamydia and she shat herself, he also asked her if she could taste it on his.....


Mate i got a letter from the doctors yesterday about a chlamydia screening.. I was like is this serious? :D

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oh its serious mate although if you have got it its only 4 pill and your cured so no biggy

unless you ve been giving a fake name to people you been shagging cause you know then the chlamydia doesnt know where you live :D

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