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Feels like months since i've been on here,

Anyway i went down to Leman this weekend for the 24hr Karting Race, Luckily i got picked for the Race out of the 14 that went down we could only enter 6 so was chuffed to bits,

We qualified 20th out of 45 kart's, Got down to 13th and had 2 kart's in front of us that was due a pit stop so we would have moved up into 11th and then would have been roughly 30seconds behind 10th place, But at 5.50am we had a Chassis failure right were the Hub bolts on the chassis, Luckily the hub didn't completely come away from the chassis which would have been very dangerous especially as it failed on the quickest corner of the track,

We got the Kart back into the Pit garage and set about re-welding it, this took us 25minutes by that time we was 39th and 3Laps behind 38th place so we decided we was out, But we wanted to finish the race so we took the kart out for the last 10minutes so we could cross the line as Canterbury college has never had a Not Finished for the 10years they've entered,

such a shame but still a right laugh and will hopefully be going next year aswel :)

Also i spotted a fellow Member there who was Also racing :D So big shout out to you! haha

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