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launch control on emu

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well trying to sort out a date to get my emu maped but not sure if i want to get the launch control set up on it to seems like it would be good for when i head to the strip but is it pratical on an everyday car?

and for the people with it how does it actauly work? i get what the ecu does but as the driver what do u have to do to use it? is there a button or something u push when u want it to work or does just always happen when your in first gear clutch down?

any help would be great

cheers shaun

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you just set it to what rpm you want it to start holding.. no button is used aslong as your idle. then you set the vs pulse meaning the signal to turn off. like i got mine set on 2 so as soon as i pull away it turns off. go higher and you can be lauching at 20mph lol

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correct spark,,

personally do it yourself afterwards as you goto fidle about with the throttle settings if you got a ep82 to make it work.

glanzas will work as they have a variable TPS, and the GT's dont either on/off. This is why you mess about with the throttle settings to make think the throttle is on al the time but theres a side to where the EMU notices this as does the "clean spark plugs check" and which case the engine dont start.

Mine is perfectly fine, works all the time and thats in my gt.

hows it hated on everyday car ? it only works when you put your foot right down when idling if you set your vs pulse low like "2". regarding which RPM you set it to. mines to 3500rpm and i dont notice i got it untill i do plant it at lights.standstill

and loads of loud pops/bangs when coming off it :)

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ahh mines a glanza that might explain why person i was talking to said there gt would never start when he had his emu on it.

as for doing it myself dont even no were i would start so will prob just leave it to the mapper lol.

dont no why its hated i just rember a thread about how they wanted to turn it off due to it being a pain on a daily ( mabye he had it set to low and had to heavy a foot :))

cheers for the info think ill go for it then just hope they can fit me in soon lol

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I run the launch control on my EMU too and its awsome! it cannot interefere with everyday driving as it only works when your stoof stil and your plant your foot to the floor!

I use mine only for show really just the pops and bangs :)

Also while where on the topic of this, am i right in believing that the launch control on the EMU works the way the BEE R does? and could det your bottom end?


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