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Colored Wheel Nuts

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I am looking for some red or titanium looking wheel nuts.

And I have been reading a bit about all the different types, that are available.

And what I have found out is, that almost all internal drive light weight wheels nuts crack. D1 spec, Ultralite and others.

So, they are no good.

So, I have found these, they fit in small diameter bolt pockets, they are red, they come with 4 locking nuts.

And they are not to expensive.

What do you all think?


Click here for more info...

I am a little bit to greedy to pay for some Rays ones :lol:

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there ok. the locking ones are rubbish though. my locking one looked exactly the same as the one in the pic. the tool to remove it cracked and warped after one removal. so then had to have them removed with one of those sockets you hammer on and it has teeth inside that latch onto the bolt. i'd stay clear although dependin on price it may be worth it forthe non locking as they seemed spot on.

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ive got the d1 spec nuts and never had any problems with them, theyve been on and off more time than ive had hot dinners. but i always put some copper slip on them when i put them on to stop them from seazing on, imo aslong as you do this then they are fine.

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and you get 20 nuts so youve always got 4 spare just incase, mine are still in the box. and on another note i always put a little bit of rag in the socket before i undo or tighten the nuts to stop it from damaging the nuts and mine have not got any marks or scratches on them! just a little bit of car keeps them looking fresh!

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and you get 20 nuts so youve always got 4 spare just incase, mine are still in the box. and on another note i always put a little bit of rag in the socket before i undo or tighten the nuts to stop it from damaging the nuts and mine have not got any marks or scratches on them! just a little bit of car keeps them looking fresh!

Nice, thanks :)

I think, I will go for these.


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i think one of the bigh problems is the use of air guns in garages on the nuts, make sure if you have anyone work on the wheels / brakes etc where the wheels will be on and off, they do your nuts by hand!

like the others have said, rag your nuts, or you will be pissed off when they get scratched, copper slip the threads, stop the seize!! and keep them clean!! lol

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