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noise coming from back of the car :/

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Sorry I'm not to sure if this is in the right section I didn't know where it would need to go lol. So anyway i noticed this sound yesterday coming from which sounds like the inside of the car. Its everytime the car is in a high gear at low revs, when you put your foot down it sounds abit like a fan belt screeching quietly but then stops after the car has hit boost. The only thing I can think of is that it may be the fuel pump as I have stripped out interior I can hear it right behind my seat, I got the other half to drive it while I clambered into the back it sounds like it's coming from that area but it's not very loud, sounds like its underneath sort of thing. I did have a walbro pump fail on me couple months ago after having it installed for literally 11 months, now I've got another walbro, just wondering if it's failing again?

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walbro's whine like hell there very loud. as youve got back seats in it will cushion the sound a lot but i had a walbro with a stripped out rear and it was very loud. is that your noise? like a high pitched whining? if so thats normal and totally fine lol

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yer i know they are noisy and it always as been lol but i noticed since yesterday this noise which is abit like a fan belt screeching which was never there before :thumbsup:

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no the other one made an EXTREMEMLY loud noise like really really loud lol sounded like it was going to explode and it gradually got worse and worse, I've only had this one on for about 3 frigging months!

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you checked your rear brake calipers? they are prone to siezing up and will make a screeching noise

nope I haven't checked those, but would'nt they be doing it all the time ?

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