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Anybody going to be buying Forza Motorsport 2 ?

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Actually I am really tempted to buy a 360 Elite when it comes out :lol:

Twice the gig of a PS3 and half the price :lol:

When are PS3's gonna come down in price? :lol:

Could do with a decent tele aswell :lol:

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By all accounts, the xbox360's have more processing power than the ps3's...

the ps3's are a rip off at the moment, plus theres some real crap games out for it.

For the price, you could buy a 2nd hand hdtv and 2nd hand 360 ! almost for the price of one brand new ps3 :lol:

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dont blame u, I've always prefered playstations though

and the PS3 has come down in most places slightly £425 down to £399, which is only £100 more that the PS2 was at launch and a far more powerful and advanced machine

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lol there talkin about the elite being around the £400 mark :lol:

Allthough it should be pretty good.. it has the 120gb harddrive and the single HDMI port for serious visuals :lol:

I could justify that price though :lol:

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Linky Linky??? :D:):p

Its not just how realistic it looks but also how realistic it plays, was watching a clip of all the features and looks pretty amazing what little things can change the performance of your car :p

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yes i am totally sold on the 360 myself now as got a shot of my friends and was playing gears of war fucking awesome is all i can say and there is no way i'm paying the price for the ps3 then paying £55 quid a time for games, blow me.

and a little off course here but i remember someone asking about games with the gt and glanza in it and my friend was saying that tokyo drift for the ps2 has them in it

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Some day I will have a 360! And at the moment there is only one game I want to play on it - Forza 2.

Forza 1 was an AMAZING game in terms of realism and play life. After 2 or so years I'm still playing it.

By all accounts, the xbox360's have more processing power than the ps3's...

Not true, the PS3 is the more powerful machine, but the developers are just having a hard time harnessing the power at the moment, meaning they need to put less work in to produce better games on the 360. That'll change over time.

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Well, at the minute Halo3 looks like it's gonna be just like Halo2, only with prettier graphics. As nice as that would be, I'm not looking forward to it with the same pant-wetting excitement as Forza2.

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