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To work for Poogeot?

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Have an interveiw with Peugeot at the beginning of June for a Service Technician Apprenticeship.

Thing is, am unsure as it's Peugeot <_< so would this stop me enjoying the job as much because it'll be working with cars I'm not so keen on.......?

Also, would be halving what I earn by starting the apprenticeship, so no mods for a long while :unsure: and would also not be able to move out for at least another few years.

However, I would have a trade/skill and work for life (I hope) at the end of it all, and would be working in an industry I love.

Anyone got any opinions or pearls of wisdom?

(especially you mechanics out there)

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Have an interveiw with Peugeot at the beginning of June for a Service Technician Apprenticeship.

Thing is, am unsure as it's Peugeot <_< so would this stop me enjoying the job as much because it'll be working with cars I'm not so keen on.......?

Also, would be halving what I earn by starting the apprenticeship, so no mods for a long while :unsure: and would also not be able to move out for at least another few years.

However, I would have a trade/skill and work for life (I hope) at the end of it all, and would be working in an industry I love.

Anyone got any opinions or pearls of wisdom?

(especially you mechanics out there)

go for it mikey i'm in the same position i'm at college doing my level 1 in motor vehicle servicing and repair and i've been told i need to get an apprenticeship to go on to do the level 3 and this is were i'm fucked i am 26 and have as much chance of getting an apprenticeship as the pope turning protestant from what i am told there is funding for apprenticeships my age the same as any 16 year old SO IM told but people wont accept me because of the fact that they can pay 16 year olds poxy wages for apprentices and i'm absolutely scunnered by it as it is what i want to do,for when i was at school well lets say i wasn't the best pupil if you get what i mean to put it a finer word i was an arse didn't know what i wanted to do at the weekend let alone my life now i know what i want to do i'm basically fucked so mate my advice if your sure its what you want to do so what if its peugeots go for it i'm well jealous mate as i wish i was in the position.

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Cheers for the advice man.

Spose for me I can deal with the cut in wages then build back up as am only 18 still, and can always go on to work with cars I prefer once I'm fully qualified.

Only get one shot at life as you say, so really ought to go for it.

(unless Toyota get back to me and offer me an interveiw/job, in which case I'll go work there <_<)

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i would say go for it i will be qualifying end of this year i did my training through suzuki.

you will probly go to the emtec training centre up nottingham for your trainin that is where i went suzuki use it mazda. toyota. peugeot. ETC

the money aint the best but you have got to think that you will never need to pay somone to work on your car ever again so a lot of money saved there. and there is always people wanting stuff done on there cars you could earn a fair bit of money doing simple work on mates cars in the evenings.

any way good luck with what ever you decided

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Thanks Dex also.

Yeah, is the Emtec training centre yeah.

Also applied through Suzuki along with Toyota, but they all use the same system, so I think by applying to one you're applying to most. (I didn't even apply to Peugeot <_< And had Ford phone me a while back, but they never got back to me)

Is definately good in terms of the money you can save and the potential extra cash here and there for helping out friends, family, neighbours etc.....

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No problem, You wont be stuck with poogeot for the rest of your life just for the shitty apprenticeship :unsure:

Studying Motorsport Engineering at Swansea

Hopefully be working for a world class rally team travelling the world one day (thats my dream <_< )

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No problem, You wont be stuck with poogeot for the rest of your life just for the shitty apprenticeship :unsure:

Studying Motorsport Engineering at Swansea

Hopefully be working for a world class rally team travelling the world one day (thats my dream <_< )

me aswell i've been accepted to do the h.n.c in engineering at bell college to then go onto the degree in product design with motorsport well chuffed at that but its a further 5 years of study for that course alone that doesn't bother me but i really want to get my level 3 in mechanics first and i still have to do my level 2 and as said i am 26.

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^^ The man from Toyota - he say YES! ^^

Lmao does he sell bananas too ?

Id say go for it mate!

Its all experiance even though its not your brand of motor.You will learn so much and think of the use you can put it to <_<

You have the seal of approval :unsure:

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Cheers for the comments guys.

I really want to do it, tis just the money side of things are the main deterrant.

From what I've been told of what i'll earn each year on the apprenticeship compared to my current annual wage, I know this:

In the 1st year I'll be earning £6500 less than I am now

In the 2nd year I'll be earning £3500 less than I am now

In the 3rd year I'll be earning £1500 less than I am now

However, I do appreciate that all the training costs are already paid for, hence the low wage, and is aimed at people going straight into it from school rather than people who have already been working full time.

To put why I find the money offputting is that it'll mean I won't be able to move out into my own place with Jo for at least about 4 years, I'll have sod all money to live on (bearing in mind my insurance when I renew it, even with 1 years ncb, will still be around the £1000 mark) and won't be able to go out much or mod my car.

Damn me and my poor decision making skills <_<:unsure:

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boohoo mikey i'm at college doing lev 1 and in debt to the eye balls and still would take an apprenticeship with shit wages thats how much i want to do it not to mention i've got a GT :( to keep on the road,and still staying at my mums the sacrifices i'm making to do what i want to do so stop whinging and get on with it you know you want to. :unsure:<_<.

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But I don't think I can afford to, I mean £5000 for a year is nowhere near enough I reckon, as need about £1000 for insurance when I renew it, and rent comes out at £1200 a year, that leaves £2800 to service (ok, wont have to when on the apprenticeship), tax and MOT the car, and buy petrol, and somehow have money for food and clothes and going out etc.

Argh!! Is complicated lol <_<

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Do it you fool!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

If you need the extra cash then get a 2nd job in a pub or somethin!

I got a new job today after looking for the right one for months!

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New job eh?

What you doing amigo?

Will not be going for it have decided, will cancel the interveiw.

Not going to make that sacrifice am afraid, as actually CAN'T afford to do it.

Thinking of going back into retail and getting into management :)

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Management? That's a bit of a different career path.

As long as that's something you'll love doing...

Surely you can get the apprenticeship, and get a part time job to give you extra money for your fancy shoes and whatnot.

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It's your choice mate,but i reckon it's only a small sacrifice for a few years. No-one likes managers ;)

I wouldn't rush into buying a flat just yet,the market is gonna start falling soon from what i've read lately.

As for the jo thing I told ya to wear a condom you lil rotter ;) :D:)

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;) ;)

I didn't mean that you crazy fool.

Eww, kids are smelly anyways :)

(no offence Kelly, Sl8ter and anyone else with a kid ;))

Regarding the flat, are looking around and seeing what's there.

Seeing a mortgage advisor on Saturday though, so should be able to work out what we can actually afford

(probably not a lot :D)

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