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This has probably been asked before

But anyways hopefully someone can help me out

Firstly when I'm driving and cars up to temp (oil and water etc)

And I put my foot down once

It gets to near 6000 rpm

It like sounds like its restricting it self

If that makes sense?

And it also does it if my cars on idle

And I rev it once it hits up near 6000rpm again

It stops it self in a centain respect

Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem etc

Or if need to no more about my car just ask


Also my cars a ep91 if that helps


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I had my car remapped today

As its seemed to have solved th problem as far as I am aware

They said that as the fuelling was out

Once it got up near 6000 rpm it spiked a bit

So as the fuelling was out it caused it to run safe as such

Thanks for advise and help though

Hope this maybe help others too


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