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I have just been pulled over big time!!!!!!!

I was driving back from my Girlfriends house which is about 1 mile away from my house and i was going about 35. But id been driving her corsa with no power steering all day, so i was a bit swervy going round the first couple of corners because mine obviously has power steering and i had to get used to it again.

Then an unmarked dark blue astra came behind me quite close so i went up to about 40 he then started to flash so i pulled in and he pulled in with me. I was wondering what the hell was happening. Then his interior light came on and all i saw were two big guys in plain clothes so i thought i was being car jacked (getting more common in Manchester now). So i locked my doors and booted it away as i was shitting it. I hit 60mph as i was getting away and i pulled onto my drive really quick. He came round the corner onto my close and showed me his badge straight away. I got out shaking and said "Jesus i thought i was being jacked you scared the hell out of me." He asked me if i had been drinking because i was shaking and i hadn't. He said they were about to call for back up as he thought i was a Glanza and his car wasn't gonna keep up :( but i pulled in to my road so there was no need.

He then told me to take it easy a bit and left me shaking like a shitting dog.

I've never been so scared in my car ever.

I'll hopefully stop shaking sometime tonight :p

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Thats wrong not being in police uniforms especially with the amount of car jackings etc :(

Good job they were decent cops though.....LMAO at them thinking it was a Glanza and couldnt keep up :p :angry: :angry:

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Lol that happened to me when i lived in Northern Ireland, i was coming back from my gf's house at about 2am and there were 6 people in plain clothes stood in the middle of the road. I shit myself done a j turn and sped off, i had 2 police cars and 2 army snatch wagons chasing me before i finally pulled over.

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