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Interior Rattle Passenger Side Behind Dash

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I have the most annoying rattle in my car atm.

Passenger side, sounds as if it directly behind the speaker. It sounds like a lose plate vibrating, could be a plastic plate or metal plate. It's almost like the sound when you put a ruler over the edge of a desk and twang it.

I have had this noise in all 3 of my Starlets now so it obviously a common fault. I normally cure it by taking the interior plastics out and re fitting them but this time I have done that and the rattle still persists.

Does anyone know of the rattle I am talking about and if so does anyone know the cause of it?

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Does it rattle when the car is idling?

To check if its that when its idling and rattling. Pull the handle on the inside to just before it opens.

When you have this tension on it the rattling will stop. You then know thats the cause.

Although yours sound diff by the way you are describing it.

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Solved it!

After taking all the dash apart it turns out it was the passenger side wing vibrating! Kinda makes sense now the metal plate sound as it literally is giant sheet of metal!

Anyway I just loosened all wing bolts, reseated it and tightened them up and it all good. Just have some new rattles from taking dash apart but no where near as annoying as the wing so all good!

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