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What Could Be The Problems To Look Into

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well, as the title says

what problems can there be after the previous owner ragged the car

im looking for the cheapest possible way of sorting it, i.e. new parts etc just cant afford new engine

the previous owner, to my knowledge done these following things

1. wheelspins

2. handbrake turns

3. clutch test (put in 4th gear with handbrake on, full accelleration with no clutch)

4. drove around with no airfilter on for around a month or so in total

5. clutch wasnt the best when he bought the car a year ago, but due to all the abuse it got, i reckon its on its way out.

so, after all the ragging he recons new clutch and it would be fine, but i dont think so to be honest, it doesnt sound that sweet though, or not as sweet as it did about 1500 miles ago anyway. its now covered 106800 and its still got life, just needs a few bits.. allthough, i dont know what these bits could be

so can anyone helop me out a bit by telling me the possible things, and the things to look at/for in it



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dont recall him saying that to be honest, unless he said it on the forum, although, last i heard he got banned..? but wasnt he posting selling parts? as i never saw anything on ebay

anyway, how much would the bearings cost?

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Sam, it cost me nearly £3000 for the transplant...I think cost effective doesn't really cover <---- that! Even if you carried out the work yourself, that's still £1000ish for parts.

And I remember Rob saying the bearings were gone - it's not getting new bearings that's the issue, depending on severity you could've scored the crankshaft and so on...

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well... i have the car allready, its going to be just sat on the drive for a while, but still started up regularly and driven in and out of the cul-de-sac once a week, just will need to get the engine sorted.

im probably going to source a new 5e-fe then, might have a word with a guy breaking one at the mo, see how his engine is

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well.. before i fell out with him, he only did 2-3 on wet surfaces (after it had been pissing down) but im not sure after that

im on the search for standard Paseo Si alloys (Glanza alloys) so i can give the wheels back to him, as really i prefer the 14's anyway

all thats really down to tires anyway, as they havnt got much tread

and mate, i have the car now, he hasnt pulled any J-Turns for a week lol

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now now Sam, your backtalk is what got you banned from Paseoclub, and created you oh so many enemies ;)

I don't know why you even bought Rob's car, cost aside, as you of all people know how badly he treated it...

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lol, that wasnt back chat, i was joking... just didnt put any smilies in, and anyway, i didnt backtalk to anyone on Paseoclub, i just shit sturred.

anyway, yeh, i know how he treated it, because half the time i was in it when he did it..

but anyway, it was the first car i ever drove so its a bit special to me, and i know, with a bit of work it is a minter

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rob is the previous owner, i saw his car once and put a little leaflet on his windscreen about the paseoclub, and then he visited for a few parts, and then we became mates, then he became a twat abusing the paseos and that, so i didnt speak to him for a while, and then he emailed me asking if i wanted his car, so i bought it lol

and im lookin into the new engine at the moment

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