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To strip or nto to strip

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This is a question I have been trying to answer for a while

I no the biggest reason everyone strips out there car is to save weight but on a car as light as a GT is this really necessary��

I plan on tracking my car a lot this year but its also my daily driver so comfort is sort of a must.

I must admit I find my car a bit scary at time as I feel like its about to take off where its so light, I am hoping when/if the handling gets sorted this will make the car feel a lot more stable.

But my biggest concern is that if I do a lot to the handling then take the seats out I will be thought the car of balance so to speckâ?¦

All sensible advice welcome


E :)

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depends what your going for, if you want proper hardcore track car, stripping is a good idea, but if you want to drive it every day, its a bit cold in there, keep it all.

its two sides of the story, you gotta think about if you want to wrap up warm to go to the shops in the winter

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Sam, shuttup, you're useless at life. Elaine, as you've said, there's no real need to strip the GT if you're going to use it as an everyday car...it's light enough as it is, and I don't think you want to drive a racketty mess that is a stripped out Starlet GT. If you do want to remove weight at a track, just get rid of the back seats, spare wheel, jack and Passenger seat, done...instant 40kg off for the track.

"Stripping" the GT's & Glanza's nowadays seems to be more of a fad than anything else...people go for the "Stripped out look"...pshh

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Elaine, at Bluewater, I'll drive you around in my car...then you'll know whether or not you want to submit yourself to such sadomasochism...if you do, then you kinky lil girl you ;) Rowrrr :p But seriously, you're going to have be adamant you're doing it for the track as it really isn't practical for the road...I'm fine with it, but if you like listening to music in your car, or want to have a conversation in the car with the occasional passenger, forget it...

And I haven't even started with the weight reduction, for the interior I still need to strip the wiring loom down, get rid of the doorcards, get rid of the domelight and sunvisors, decide whether or not to hack the dash and center console apart etc...the only reason I still have a dash/center console is that it is still my road car, so I need my glovebox and cubbyhole by the handbrake :)

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