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sl8ter & jett

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Everything posted by sl8ter & jett

  1. looking forword to seing yours to ;) hope fully ill have my new brakes done by then if i get them in time ;)
  2. my we boy jett loves the lights and well the car is for shows and cruises ;) thats the kinda thing that draws attention if you no what i mean .we go to most of the cruises and shows scotland so i like to show off the shiny bits at night to .not every 1s cup of tea but hay each to there own and that sort of thing lol i always mod my cars like this .im not realy a fast driver any more having a 2 year old in the car most of the time so i mod my cars to look nice and its still nipy ;)
  3. i had to get the seats in first to make shure they fitted so i wasnt going to waste cash on geting the backs sprayd and they didnt fit the backs just bolt off any ways ;) heers a few picks at stirling cruise last night
  4. the seats are in. no how to but lol i had to cut and weld to get them the backs are geting painted this week some time to
  5. hi and welcome to uksc have a nice day
  6. PRE Fast & Modified Show cruise Friday 6th July 8pm onwards ST JAMES PARK GLASGOW ROAD, DUMBARTON, G82 1RB various car club's in attendance & all car club's welcome Direction's http://www.multimap.com/clients/browse.cgi?client=halfords_01&addr2=&client=halfords_01&db=GB&addr3=&reclimit=5&pc=G822BA&showingadvancesearch=0
  7. the wheels now or like this candy red
  8. it was in the boot of the car wen i got it the 16v pipe i put it on as i liked it better than the standerd one the guy i bought itoff was going to do it but never got round to it and my dog made short work of the one i took off lol
  9. fited the arc intercooler after having it polished
  10. yea the backs are going candy red well i tryed to fit the seats yesterday the runners on the glanza seats are nuts the back of the seats are part of the runners so after having a look and about 2 hrs messing about they are still not in but i have a plan im going to get runners out of an escort and use them .if i can ill take pics and do a how to but it shouldn be that hard now i haved had a look .just cut the holding bracets of the glanza seats and weld them on to the escorts runers .well i hope any way lol
  11. sounding good bud sorry we missed each other on sat but glad you got it sorted out i was looking forword to seing your car .you sound well happy now looking forword to seeing it and naging your ear about mods to mine lol
  12. very good pics i love the orange nsx my next car i think if i could part with the glanza
  13. lol i havent got one to start with lol+ the car is not heer and i was gona get one of ebay
  14. does any one what size the Festoon bulb is in a glanza in mm .the interior light bulb .thanks
  15. lol i can see it now lol i was going to paint the backs red but if i could get some one to paint them like the scream mask that would be difrent lol
  16. im gona buy these what do yous think my mate is gona weld me some sub frames up
  17. very nice mate i realy like it a lot
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