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Posts posted by Bluebear

  1. I have actually though about it. What's involved? Attacking it with a hacksaw and sandpaper? Would I need to fibreglass it after, and get it painted? If so, then I might get it done same time as I get an SR spoiler, if the dude ever gets back to me with postage details >.>

  2. Bit late this, but...

    :unsure::wacko: thrash metal all the way!!!

    Fuck yes. Metal is where it's at.

    Loving your install by the way, I need to get something sorted with mine, although nothing as big as that. I want to listen to Testament and Metallica properly dammit, not on some shitty standard speakers that are starting to give up. I'm afraid I might have (slightly) killed them.

    The car is looking awesome dude, keep it up!

  3. Thought so. Hammerite it is then :) May not be an update for a while yet, as I'm going down to Cambridge at the weekend.

    PEOPLE! I think this project is in need of a new name. Post your submissions here or spam my inbox, and the winner shall receive... erm...I dunno yet. A Cadbury's Dairy Milk maybe?

  4. EMA smells, I wasn't entitled to it because my parents earnt too much.... ;)

    So I ended up poor whilst my friends all had loads of booze money ;)

    (whereas Idrees has car money :) )

    Looking good though Idrees :p:p

    Same here Mikey, same here :p The things I would have done to my Starlet had I been getting that money....

    Idrees. I am at a loss for words. Your car is honestly looking the sex. Well worth the time and effort you've put in it! I shall have to see it if theres a NW meet sometime soon!

  5. Ok guys, quick update.

    Gonna get an SR spoiler sorted for it, amongst other things. As I'm at Uni, the car is back at home (practically useless to have it here, campus is tiny, plus I'm living in halls).

    Gonna pop down to see it every few weekends, give it some love, and see about Hammeriting the calipers and rear drums. Should I use Hammerite though, or a different colour? Suggestions please.

    Need to get some lowering springs too, at some point, but the money is far to important to be wasted on them. I need it for my drinky-poos :)

  6. When my dad drives my starlet, he scares the shit outta me.

    But, yeah, they're fair nippy for what they are! :o Mate asked me what it was when i gave him a lift, via some b-roads ;)

    "....It's a 1.3"


    He actually thought it was a 1.6 or something :p

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