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Posts posted by DudFunk

  1. it sounds cool lol im just a computer mong don't know how to use all these things like tor and backtrack its like reading chineese to me sounds like I should leave it alone if I don't know what im doing

    If your really interested download backtrack (its free) install it and start figuring out the features get to know it a bit better and then go from there it can be a bit confusing using backtrack at first but there are plenty of tutorials on how to use it effectively on the web

    But DONT use Tor until either yourself or a friend who is more knowledgeable has your IP and personal info properly protected there are a few more things you should do but I will say no more the more you figure out yourself the better trust me!

  2. Yea Tor browser is needed (well there are other ways but by far that is the easiest to use!) I would also look at BackTrack its an OS based off Linux used for network security as well as more nefarious uses however I have never and would never use Tor browser without having my IP and other information protected with something as powerful as BackTrack, as I said there is allot of sick stuff on the deep web and I'm sure there are plenty of people waiting around for unprotected users to start snooping around, I would also say that CIA/NSA/Homeland security/Interpol etc monitor allot of the sites so again unless you want people stealing even more of your personal information or worse being arrested and branded as an international terrorist or cyber terrorist (as I said lots of bomb recipes and very interesting programs used for brute forcing home routers so people can steal any information being shared on that home network which these agency's very much frown upon even though its there favourite pass time!)

    I will not give any links I have given enough information for people to figure it out for themselves but I most definitely will not be posting up links to such things especially on a public forum whether it be in a public thread or a private message as I no longer use backtrack so my IP address is wide open to be seen linking an viewing said websites also I wouldn't recommend downloading anything like PDF documents, if you would like to save the information use copy/past or better again use a pen and paper!

    Not many people are aware of just how extensive the internet in all its forms really is there is a hell of allot more than the WorldWideWeb!

  3. You all should investigate the deep web sites like Silk road etc are absolutely nothing compared to some of things that can be found on the deep web some seriously sick stuff (think people eating there own reproductive organs real snuff movies and worse!) as well as the usual hitmen for hire,guns and drugs for sale, recipes for making all kinds of traps/bombs/poisons, detailed information on deceiving and completely brainwashing people,detailed techniques of war, so some seriously dangerous and sick stuff investigate further at your own peril there are some scenes that will forever be ingrained in my mind!

    The internet is allot more than WWW!

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