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Posts posted by patman

  1. My startet is almost done but at the moment the wastegate is set to fully shut, where as on the other one the car started boosting around 4 and a half k revs when I looked it was obviously the wastegate was set open from the actuator hence why no boost I take it at low revs?

  2. Sorry for hijacking your thread burt I have just swapped turbos on mine, I was told you set the wastegate to fully shut which would mean of course the actuator was alot shorter then on my other turbo actuator, so when actually setting the actuator on the screw bit should we be doing it so the waste gate starts of fully shut? Does this make sense guys?

  3. I take my hat of to you mate that you want to do something like this, that's absolutely amazing that you have wanted to go down a path like this, it's always good to find out as much as possible about it though lots of homework, I personally think for something you wanna do it wouldn't be as easy as just jumping on a plane and getting a job when you get there but saying that lots of research in going to places like Africa should give you a much better answer, for me it was easy my best friend at the time found a job before he went and the rest of us took a few months spending money and found jobs when we was out there, I shouldn't think it would be that easy for what you wanna do though but good luck and keep us posted 😀

  4. Hello Billy mate I worked in Zante Greece the summers of 2001-02 luckily a group of us went our and we all helped each other, it's something you should do without a doubt but always research where your going first everywhere has hidden secrets even though the place to tourists seems fantastic when you live and work aboard its never like home, but give it a go you won't regret it, you mere to do it while your young because trust me I could never do it now at my age 😁

  5. Hello has anyone got a spare one please the gasket between the waste gate and downpipe aka elbow gasket searched on line for one all whats coming back is ones for £40, I mean really that's bloody expensive considering the TD04 ones are only like 15 quid and I only want one for a ct9 turbo, or is there another way of doing it, this is holding up putting parts in my car back together

    Thanks lads

  6. As title says please anyone got any spare ones can't believe the OEM down pipe gasket is like 40 quid it's ridiculous surely there must be another way round this also a PVC valve for rocker cover min was hard to get out today and ending up snapping it with pliers.....whoops!!!!!

  7. Right guys just alittle update on my startlet been very busy today to cut a long story short after taking manifold off, turbo etc I have found no cracks or leaks in the pipes etc, but what I did find was the wastegate was lefted open and permanently open when driving, so what I have done so far is twist it back in the adjustable actuator so now the wastegate is set to closed fully, then of course when it's back on will open up as I floor it? Any feedback on this would be fantastic thankyou

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