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Posts posted by smithyithy

  1. Well my PS4 was my present to myself last month, but from family and friends I got:

    Loads of shower stuff / aftershave

    Lego Star Wars

    Games Workshop voucher

    Jumpers, T-shirts, a Reindeer onesie, socks..

    Massive tube of Jelly Beans and loads of chocolate - Reeses, Wonka, Hershey's etc

    Few really nice books

    Starbucks mugs and coffee stuff, Swiss thermal mug


    I'm 24 now so can't expect loads anymore, it's more the gesture that counts :)

    My sister was 19 on the 25th, so I spent the most on her, gave her my 32" LCD, bought some Nicky Clarke hair stick thing, and loads of stuff from Boots (3 for 2!)..

    I was gonna buy her a car as she's nearly ready to take her practical, but I spoke to my dad and he's giving her his Grande Punto when she passes so he can get something new, she does alright off us!!

  2. I'm so tempted.... What's the usual price to get one made ? The white glanza is sweet!!

    There's a place local to me that make exhausts, he made me a decat-back exhaust for my old Polo that exited just in front of the rear wheel for £100..

    Depends if you want a proper backbox incorporated or not, but for essentially just a pipe running from your downpipe, down and out your bumper, I wouldn't pay 3 figures.

  3. Is there anybody that's gone from GT5 to this, willing to gift me a Glanza on GT5?

    I've spent the best part of 2 days trying to find one, refreshing he UCD, and I can't get one to appear...

    PSN is CBRsmithy if anyone can help me out :)

  4. I think they're lovely looking cars when kept standard (bare a set of wheels) especially the facelift..

    Not too clued up on the models, I think the later MIVEC's were around 200bhp? And I don't think they're overly heavy cars either..

    I mean if you want a proper FWD coupe you'd probably buy an ITR, but I do like these. Wouldn't want to pay a great amount for one though..

  5. Probably the wrong section for this, and there was a thread not so long back, so I'll just copy pasta my post from there..

    First piece was my Japanese Koi sleeve, by Matt Hunt at Modern Body Art, Birmingham:


    Then got this traditional woman / rose on my inner forearm by Rachel Baldwin at MBA, Brum:


    Then got my plague doctor left bicep piece, by Ricardo Pedro at MBA, Brum:


    And around the same time, Modern Body Art organised a day of non-stop tattooing, with something like 15 artists in total, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research, I'm sure they raised about £8000 in one day! I got this on my knee, was a fun 3 hours....


    I've also got a little old school diamond on my thumb, and a troll face meme on my ass cheek for a dare, I'll spare you the photos of that haha.

    Should be getting back in the groove in the new year with the money from my new job, hopefully fill my left arm and complete torso throughout 2014 :D

  6. Check the difference between the car quality in that boy racer video to the megs video.

    There's the difference between cunty boy racers and true car enthusiasts.

    Yeah, but at the same time, the Geordie mong has (somehow) put a fair bit of money into that Scooby, yet he's still an utter tool.

    There are folks on here with basic Starlets as first cars, built on a shoe-string budget that probably wouldn't act anything like the idiots in the documentary..

    It's the same with lot's of things, all bikers are criminals, all car enthusiasts are boy racers, all tattooed people are thugs..

    It's the corrupt portrayal by the media that puts these stereotypes into people's minds, and this is actually quite disappointing because Vice usually do some good documentaries, but here all they choose to do is focus on the bad apples of the much wider scene, and the general public will lap it up with the rest of their Proletariat garbage, so they can continue to fuel their stereotypes, and have somebody they can point the finger at and look down on.

  7. You shouldnt take it like that, the thread started off airy fairy, 2+2 does a bov give me more power crap.

    It started off as a genuine technical question, that spiralled into petty arguing, actually..

    Thanks for the relevant replies though guys, all I wanted to know is whether they're really needed on aftermarket turbo setups.. I'll be going down the TD04 route soon(ish) and I'm not overly bothered about having the car go WOOSH all the time, so I just wanted to check if I'll actually need to buy an aftermarket BOV or not.

    If I do, I'll just recirculate it, same as the screamer pipe, depending on which turbo kit I end up buying.

  8. It's a shame if someone made a good effort at showing why we are into cars it may do some kind of justice. Instead all just the worse part.

    Some do try..


  9. Thats kinda crap cause you can always pick up bargains on here for brand new parts, pistons, rods etc but just cause they haven't made a profit on them from you then they dont warrenty it!! They are being paid to build an engine so thats what should be warranted!

    Fair enough if it was used parts but not brand new items.


    Well yes and no...

    Warranty is designed to cover parts and labour, not one or the other.

    If they do a perfect job fitting all the parts, but one of them happens to be faulty and ruins the engine, it can't always be proved where the fault lay, so a company won't want to put it's neck on the line and offer warranties, which can cost them a lot of money to honour, on parts they didn't personally supply.

  10. I'd guess the auto-gearbox is a slightly different shape, so where the screamer pipe would normally run, the gearbox would be in the way...

    It wouldn't be difficult or expensive to get a suitable one made up though, it's 1 piece of stainless with a flange at one end as far as I know...

    In terms of benefits, I'm not clued up enough on them to give an accurate answer, so I won't. But when I get a new turbo setup, whatever it may be, I'll be having a recirc pipe rather than a screamer as they don't really appeal to me.

  11. Haha, i assume 'you what mate' was about the black bonnet preference?

    to me it looks ok, but abit chavvy and nasty. :(

    not that im saying i want to go and slap everyone who has done it, just that in a favourite looking ep91s thread i feel opinions are being looked for :)


    I was only having a laugh haha, it's cause I knew I had the pics of it with the white bonnet to counter you with :p
  12. Some cool stuff in this thread!! Here's my history so far (I'm 23 now, for reference!)

    First car was a £400 Mk3 Polo Coupe 1.3, learned so much form this car, didn't have it too long though:


    Mk3 by Smithyithy, on Flickr


    Mk3 by Smithyithy, on Flickr

    Sold that and bought a Mk4 (6n) Polo, 1.4 SE Openair, did loads to this, bodywork, wheels from Germany, Colour Concept leather interior, stupidly loud stereo etc, had it for a year or so and did quite a few shows:


    24 by Smithyithy, on Flickr


    Mmmmm by Smithyithy, on Flickr

    Made a profit on that between the car and parts on it, so bought my kinda dream car at 19, my first Glanza, then get screwed over with insurance and sold it after a month. This is now Liam D's car :)


    1 by Smithyithy, on Flickr

    Went a year or so without a car then, being at college / uni etc.. Then bought this cheap runaround which turned out to be a POS:


    Untitled by Smithyithy, on Flickr

    Then April this year I passed my A2 bike license and got my CBR400RR :D


    400 by Smithyithy, on Flickr


    CBR by Smithyithy, on Flickr

    That's in hibernation until Spring, then I'll do my full license in May and get a Ducati 848 Evo :D

    Sold the red Polo a few months ago when I got a promotion and company car, nice Focus:


    IMG_0009 by Smithyithy, on Flickr

    Which meant I needed a new toy, so got my current Glanza now I can actually insure one:



    And 10 days ago I got my brand new company car, fresh from the factory :D


    IMG_0126 by Smithyithy, on Flickr

  13. I think people are getting "fake" and "replica" mixed up a bit here!


    Replica = good. Gives people the option of having performance parts at a fraction of the cost of genuine with no pretence of being the genuine article. Granted you won;t get eh same build quaility, but then you know that when you buy it

    Fake = bad. Items being passed off as genuine so the buyer is being con'd.

    Exactly this.

    Rota's are replicas. They're very closely based on some existing, expensive wheels, but are branded differently and cost a lot less. This is fair enough because people have the choice, if they are only after the looks then Rota will suit them, if they want to pay more for a better brand, higher quality etc then they are free to do so.

    Some of that fake stuff listed above is shocking, things like the HKS pulley... I for one wouldn't know the real from the fake, OK maybe now I can spot the differences..

    But whereas a real HKS one might cost say, £100, it's gonna be well made, well designed and reliable. Someone having very passable fakes made up and packaged as the real thing for cheap bulk pricing then selling them for the same £100 RRP as the genuine thing, is wrong. The buyer isn't being given a choice between real and replica, like Autobahn and Blitz, instead they're being tricked into paying the price of a genuine item, for something that could fail or break because it's a cheaply made fake.

    I'll only ever buy branded items from reputable sites and traders, eBay is pretty bad for this stuff nowadays..

  14. Possibly mate. But as i said i ran back to back on both the TF035 And my VF24 And could notice it both times. Possibly if your very quick with gearchanges it may be less noticeable but normal fast driving it was mega noticeable. Properly slows the turbo down and is well documented. BUT as i said a small amount of charged air in the system does help. Hence why i now have my R2D2 Set up to only dump very quickly and when flat out.

    Try it yourself dan ;)

    And im not sure unless you set up some sort of system it may be possible, possibly using a forge Split r or whatever they are called

    So would this just be a case of running a stiff spring setup?

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