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Posts posted by littlegreenmonster

  1. As some of you know from my instagram i shit out of luck this morning big time (on my way to a job interveiw of all bloody things) this is just a reminder from me to you guys be bloody careful! We all know the roads are slippery as fuck and abs hates those roads, so be a little smarter than me guys and just a bigger gap than normal or it might end up like this 5B63A229-986B-44E2-98F9-7574A4F04FA8_zps

  2. got the last bits painted up and just needing fitting this weekend now. Fully polybushed engine mounts and racepsec rocker cover should be here soon too!

    The turbo kit coming


    not sure what turbo im going to run yet, may go back to a tf035 or stick with a td04. Am a bit worried the turbo will look a bit small on the manifold setup, but gonna get the housing polished to make it look a bit more special

    got the last bits painted up and just needing fitting this weekend now. Fully polybushed engine mounts and racepsec rocker cover should be here soon too!

    The turbo kit coming


    not sure what turbo im going to run yet, may go back to a tf035 or stick with a td04. Am a bit worried the turbo will look a bit small on the manifold setup, but gonna get the housing polished to make it look a bit more special

    That looks amazing dude !!! And i want a polished housing aswell ! Makes it just look neater i think

  3. Got it on Xbox one the story in my eyes is fantastic so far and the cutscenes have the best graphics ive seen in a console game but unfortunatley it plays exactly like black ops two in my eyes and as said before just has a fancy double jump which makes online frustrating to say the least.

    Ahhh is the online a wind up then ?? And yeah im hardly into the campaign and all the graphics seem amazing !!

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