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Posts posted by Galliano

  1. todays update

    Wrapped the wires in insulation/wire tape





    then fitted the sound proofing sheet with the tape too, because the glue wouldnt stick again


    then fitted the doorcard


    doorpin hand painted (because its too small) and some other little bits, in the same colour as then din plate etc, and its more pinky purple than red :)


    interior before


    interior after


    might do some more in a bit, but not sure what there is to do ;)

  2. depends what your going for, if you want proper hardcore track car, stripping is a good idea, but if you want to drive it every day, its a bit cold in there, keep it all.

    its two sides of the story, you gotta think about if you want to wrap up warm to go to the shops in the winter

  3. thats what i used to do, in my younger days, and only the nice ones, with no double ups n that, and then i grew out of it, and my great auntie used to give my nan a few every now and then because she lives around pot hole county, so woblers are bound to come off, and then it wore off, thank god, because i got too many

    although i saw on the news once, that a guy used to make things, like scale model sharks and stuff.. cool guy, and i need rid of them, maybe hes the man to turn to!

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