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Posts posted by Jules-B

  1. I would be VERY VERY VERY VERY weary.

    As with the majority of dealers in bradford, not all is what it seems.

    I made a trip up there (from hertfordshire) to look at a ''mint'' glanza and within 5 mins i had found major flaws. we then looked around the rest of the cars out of interest and picked major faults with most motors...

  2. right im back for more!, didnt think i would be but o well!

    well im part way through my stay with her at uni in leeds, been here since thursday and the last day or 2 has been getting hard. i cant even look at her without feeling down!.

    the way i see it, is that no matter what i do im not going to be happy right??.. if i tell her we shouldnt talk anymore, she wont even fight for it, as shed do what i think is right, and on the other side, i cant put myself throught this much longer!.. i read a conversation between her and one of my mates, and she said that she half thought it wasnt a good idea us seeing each other as much

    is there anyway i can noticeably change somthing, but so much so that she is the one really wanting my company?

    im half tempted to talk to her again in person, even though nothing will be changed...but i havnt managed to yet!

    on the other side, its actually a wicked place to go out! and seen a couple of starlets..

  3. Right this girl confuses the fuck out of me!!

    We were talking about her date, and her telling me which she knew id feel bad and that i should know that id always come before any date... and she was sorry about that, i replied saying of course im upset, but im going to have to learn to live with it, ill probably never get over you..im just going to learn to live with it'' she then started crying, and said how much she didnt want this for me and the amount she cares for me makes it actually painful for me to hear that ill just have to live with it.

    Am i reading into it, or am i right in thinking she must feel somthing.....

  4. i suppose, although people have given me some very good ideas as what to do.

    I didnt really expect so many people to reply!. so thanks!

    And dont worry, She LOVES the V, but not enough to be on the forums! so she wont see this.

  5. Yeah im starting to get an idea as to what to do.

    We regularly talk about whats going on, the other night (after this date she went on) and we were talking on msn until 5 in the morning. so i know that we will definatly talk about it at some point when im up there.

    cheers for all the replies

    Any other ideas??

  6. the only problem is that im going to be seeing her a week from today, so would be a bit odd if we didnt talk and then i just showed up!

    So should i give her the complete cold shoulder, or should i talk to her if she starts the conversation/sends me a txt.

    by the way Chris (glanza_cl) you have a PM on the way!

  7. Haha.

    Im sure i dont make a convincing woman.but ill give it a go :)

    Im rather suprised with the amount of replys to this!.

    I think im going to try the tatic of not talking to her for a day or 2. I have already made plans to go and see her next thursday, which she keeps saying she cant wait for. Saying that, normally on msn, i come on and say hi, well this time i havnt, and she hasnt said anything to me, and havnt had a text from her all day....should i reply if she talks to me, txts me, basically makes the first move???

    I really dont hope that i try this and i get nothing from her atall!

    I understand the idea of just walking away, but i wont be able to do it, i may have been able to do it a month or so ago, and yeah it would have hurt, but it would have been managable, but not now!

    The worst thing is, is that i know we would make a great couple, ive had enough girlfriends to know that this time its somthing different!

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