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Everything posted by Symo1995

  1. Ben have you got any decent complete engines ? With starter miter n everything Moter*
  2. I already have 1 shell that needs an engine an box plus driveshafts if anyone has these ?
  3. Yh that's fair enough dan mate I ent here for arguenentative like I said I would like 1500 but if no1 will pay it my misses will have it, but if it sell I would of like to buy yours for the price stated and and have a little bit to spend on yours if I bought it
  4. Just want the space so I can put the silver shell I have in it's pace and start buying the bits it's needs lol
  5. Yh I'm thinkin about it mate was guna buy the lad who's commenting a car but he ent selling it now m wanted me to swap but it's a sell an engine I would rather try sell this for 1500 I think it's gotta be worth it to someone bit if the misses passes before it sells she will have it
  6. Most people who spend loads break them so they get as much as they can, I'm not bothered if it doesn't sell mate tbh it's a tidy car an drives spot on
  7. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/261648506332?nav=SEARCH Check that link all that it has is recaro front seats an flocked dash an he wants 1500
  8. Was sold as unfinished project to me yh, an I spent a little money on little bits for it an spent hours fixing it the car is worth it all day long! If you don't think so then don't buy it then plus my fuel costs to get it plan is to keep it if it don't sell before my misses passes her test before it's gone! Wayne didn't Wna sell it for that price just wouldn't sell as it was and he had enough of trying to fix it by sounds what he an his friend said to me
  9. Yh everything is no fixed only thing I need to do it get the top lamber sensor in the decat as the fmic pipe work is in the way I took it for a spin was all fine no light come in the dash exct an went lily stink was all over the place though as trackin is miles out so will sort trackin next at get this lamber sensor in just gotta cut bit more of the fan casing out, the lights wernt easy lol but terraced the worse an had a look at the old dash loom and sorted them in the end
  10. Right so everything is fixed just have to sort the tracking abit better as it's way out, an I will be taking it for a spin
  11. Just changed mine yday and I used 10w40 Castrol magnateci semi synth working much better than watever was in the car wen I purchased last week
  12. Still haven't taken it out yet an trying to get the lifts sorted so I can insure it an use it
  13. Can anyone give me some pics of the wiring for the fogs ?
  14. Keep up the good work mate fair play that engine looks nice!
  15. There's pics of it on the for sale bit as I inly got it Sunday it's says white starlet sportiff unfinished project I think There's pics of it on the for sale bit as I inly got it Sunday it's says white starlet sportiff unfinished project I think
  16. I don't know how to upload them mate ? I'm in my phone
  17. I will post up here straight away when I've taken it out buddy there's a few more little things that need bolts in exct an the indicators an horn but it has not ATM anyway so the horn isn't a must or the high beam front lights ent working low beam does though I will have it sorted by the weekend hopefully been going over to the car each night after work an doing few things get it done an on the road
  18. Ok mate thanks for that, yh I know I bet he's gutted was a very easy fix how long were you lads tryna sort it lol ? I haven't taken it for spin yet mate will do on the weekend
  19. Ahh ok buddy cheers how do you know that mate lol ? Are you the lad that come over with Wayne ? Or one of his mates, do you know what I should do to try fix them ?
  20. Wow! Never have I seen such a beast! Don't sell it will only rise in price !
  21. So I went and done a few bits on the sleeper after work an I tried the lights but only the front low beam works none others eg front or back indicators or rear lights! Was abit dark so was using a lamp I will get into it in the weekend and see if I can sort these lights out Monkey did you have any problems with any lights or ? Mikey*
  22. I will do mate read you build fair play it's a beast
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