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Posts posted by GTnomez

  1. I wouldnt feel safe driving a car into a corner with the rear axle out of line!

    Think everyone else would say the same.

    Lol! At the above comment. Why would you not feel safe? Will the wheel fall off? I think the would be old bushes would be more unsafe than a slight misalignment from the wheel.

    I had my car lowered and had no problems whatsoever going around corners, even on track.

    I did get a rod because of people saying you NEED one many years ago and well what do you know. There is still no difference.

  2. Me and my brother love playing this game when it first came out!

    The reason we love it is that we play against each other even though we are partners, lol. I nick all the good weapons which pisses him off and i throw the bile at him and the horde gets him, mega lol.

    Whats the new DLC about?

    ps. I hate the f*cking Tanks Gorillas.

  3. OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have NEVER won anything in my life man!!! I donated and i thought im never going to win but BAM i did! WOHOOOOOO

    Made my day i tell you now! :mellow::) :) I know im over reacting but yesssssssssssss.

    Just like to thank Idrees for organising a raffle for such a good cause, may God bless him in the future

    :( I know its just a raffle but still! Its the simple things in life......

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