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Everything posted by LiggyL

  1. I've covered 22,500 miles in my paseo all trouble free *touch wood* I've had a look at a few different cars, but I cant seem to look past these! Reckon I can pick a decent one up for £2500 ish ?
  2. Awesome, i'm from Leicester too and will be driving to Lutterworth everyday, but I'm addicted to driving anyway, I think i would be even more so in a Starlet GT!
  3. Evening all! Currently driving a standard-ish Paseo Si. I've ventured here from the Paseo Club in the hope of some realistic knowledge/advice on the Starlet GT's Well, my names Ryan and i'm from Leicester and thats about it y'all.
  4. Hi Guys, Currently driving a Paseo Si and was wondering if you were up to the task of convincing me to have a Starlet GT? After a bit of searching it seems I get roughly the same economy from my 5EFE as most of you 4EFTE owners! (260-270 miles per tank) And the insurance isn't too much more than my Seo considering my age! How many of you have them as daily drivers, and do you think they'd be ok for 16,000 miles a year? I would think so being Toyota but you guys will be able to tell me... Thank-you-please.
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