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Posts posted by Willow

  1. You need moar puuurrrrple! :D

    by the way where did you get that because atarlet sticker :o

    Hehe, yes always more purple!!! Oh, the sticker is my own design :D Had a few things printed. Need to get them done better though really. Clear background or something.

  2. Yay!! Had a good time but I think I picked the wrong one to come to as my first big show haha! Met a lot of people though which was nice, and everyone asked me why my car wasn't there hehe, but my car will hopefully be at JAE lol!! :D Looking forward to seeing some photos!

  3. Ooh look Willow's posting an update, again, what could that possibly be?!

    Shock, horror, it's more stickers...sowwi!

    Pretty sparkly one:





    haha, ooh and dust caps, thank youu Nick...whatever your username is on here...666...sixxAkers meh. Nickyyyyy. Please ignore my the ridiculous state of my wheels :D


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