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Posts posted by Willow

  1. dam it youve spoilt the suprise i was just trying find the right angle for a nice starlet related dick pic to send!

    thats abit shit on the car side of things hopefully he will let the car go no real reason for him to keep it!. are you still planning on attending the shows and what not? i assumed your boyfriend was socks that not abit awkward to appear at shows ha?

    Yes I'm still coming to shows!! I'll come with someone else if I don't have a car :) No it was Socks' brother.

    Starlet related dick pic hahaha that's great.

    Let's all be honest single or not you get dodgy messages being a girl on here, I've had a few and my bf is on here fs haha.

    Hope you get sorted with a new car soon! Tho he's being a bit of a dick if you paid for the car even if it's not in your name?

    Ahh we paid jointly so it's a grey area!

  2. Now your single expect tons of free parts, help finding a new car and the occasional dick pic hahaha hope everythings okay and sorts out for you mate, hopefully you get your car back :)

    Lol free stuff and help would be great hahaha

  3. So...the dashboard is very involved and complicated and annoying. I learned that today :D

    Heater..matrix...thing...was leaking and now it doesn't leak, yay! I now have lots of heating, which is surprisingly necessary in our predictable UK summer evenings!









    all done...XD


    i'm very helpful :D

    And nothing fell out on the test drive, so it's all good!

  4. Throttle bodies needed

    Nice write up though! In next to no time you will be servicing, changing brakes and then removing engines! That's how charl started, now I only need to help with fiddly bits!

    Good work!

    :) thanks. I'm not very...technical isn't the right word..but I just don't catch on quickly when it comes to learning about cars haha! I'm trying though, but all I ever seem to do is take interior bits out and them put them back in again.

  5. Well I saved enough for my insurance but then spent it all on my partners birthday, but he insured it for me this morning so I'm back on the road!! No plans to take my test yet though, or the theory. It'll just be massively expensive to insure then, so I'll leave it a while :)

  6. Rich-k, on 12 Jul 2015 - 10:31 AM, said:

    Hows your driving going willow? Any closer to that pass?? :)

    It's still not insured, and I'm not insured on any other cars, and can't afford lessons. ;(

    I moved it around on the drive the other day..which took forever and was scary haha. Need to like, crowd fund my insurance or something lol!! Missing it so much :(

  7. Girls representing!! :)

    haha ..Ruining my nail varnish and nails as per usual!



    Done a good job with that engine bay! I never cleaned the bay of my old N/A :p

    Needs a nice set of wheels on badly! Looks well for the age though, mine was an S reg and was a hell of a lot worse condition.

    :) It so needed cleaning haha, it could be a lot better I'm sure, but pretty pleased with it for a first attempt. The guy in the store was very patient with us whilst we were trying to buy the right stuff to do it! Gonna get some more purple bits for it, make it look all pretty for Japfest 2 :)

  8. Okay, me and Flaura's SR did some engine bay cleaning today, woohoo, actual progress that doesn't involve stickers!! Also added some purple hoses :D





    Bonus photoshoot shots:




    Didn't get a decent pic of the...uhh, white underside of the bonnet..bit, before we cleaned it, but mine was properly dirty, came up lovely though:


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