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Posts posted by DanSR

  1. Today I put the original bulbs back in the clocks, the blue ones kept on flickering, blowing and just lit up very unevenly, looked tacky. That'll teach me for buying cheap eBay shit.

    Last night

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  2. Thanks mate, I'm really happy with them, I'd like to find some new centre caps as well but all I can see is cheap stickers on fleabay.

    Ah right, I had a look at recaros but just had my heart set on the 98s as it looks like it came from the factory with it, and I agree why didn't it just have this interior in the first place, and also more power, they could've at least put a 1.5 paseo engine in SRs.

  3. Why's he getting rid of it? It looks so good compared to standard! Not sure why it didn't come with the plastics but to be honest it looks quite good in person as the light grey contrasts well with the other light grey bits like bottom half of the dash etc. Now all I need to do is get some Glanza bumpers and side skirts...


  4. So got the interior in today and it was incredibly easy, took an hour and a half to do the whole lot, but one thing I still need to do is fit the rear seat properly but ran out of daylight. Some pictures of it before...

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    Gave it a good hoover as well...

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    And now after, much much better in my opinion...

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  5. I know I'd miss mine a lot if I sold it, especially the attention and comments it gets when I'm out, hell I'll even miss my Fiesta it has such a retro feel when driving it but it's so slow that I have to ring my girlfriend and parents to tell them I love them and remind them of what song I want at my funeral before driving it anywhere with slip roads and busy junctions/roundabouts.

    My 98' spec interior has turned up and I'll be fitting it tomorrow, love the look of it and can't wait to get it in, even the misses likes it which is a bonus.

  6. Yeh I went for stock colour, I thought about gun metal or anthracite but didn't think it looked right, although it looks great against white SRs I think. Now I just can't wait for this interior to turn up!

    Nice! That'll be like shit off a shovel with 180, I probably won't get a daily until after Christmas now, I think I need something cheap that I won't give a shit about that I can just chuck the dogs in when they're muddy and not care. As far as plans for the SR before Christmas I'll just be replacing all bolts with zinc plated ones. Do you miss your SR?

  7. Cheers mate, I've got the alloys on now and they look amazing, putting them on just two hours ago in the dark was a challenge, I'll get some pictures in the day.

    Nice cars, I take it that's what you've got now then? I like them and they map really well but I don't really do the mileage any more to need a diesel, although I find diesel torque and power delivery a lot of fun.

  8. So the alloys still aren't done but whilst they are off I decided to give the brakes a good clean with a wire brush and a lick of hammerite paint, it's been fucking freezing down here so it took ages for it all to dry, I've finally found a 98' spec interior! Lad should be sending it to me at the end of the week.

    The Starlet has once again become my daily as I'm getting rid of fanny the fiesta, it just needs too much body work and is dangerously slow at times. I'm considering getting a normal starlet as a daily instead as you can pick up a normal NA for peanuts.

    Pics from today

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  9. So its been a little while since I've been on here and no real updates other than the alloys are booked in for a refurb and respray on Tuesday. Cant wait, will upload pictures of the results. Other than that I'm still on the hunt for that elusive 98' spec interior, probably wouldn't bother but as my drivers seat has a huge rip down the side then may as well go for it.

  10. yep they're pretty rare and i'm well pissed off i can't keep mine. Haven't had much interest in it yet but i guess people think it's too expensive when you see others for £800. Problem is they are mostly absolute dogs and haven't got any of the stuff that mine has.

    I know what you're saying about the tax on the MPS but my insurance was so cheap it didn't bother me. Growing up It used to be the other way round with tax being cheap and insurance costing a bomb.

    Has anyone been to view it yet? I don't even know if I can be bothered to sell mine purely because of the amount of idiots you have to deal with when selling a car... the ridiculous phone calls and texts... The offers of £500 when the car is up for £2000... Dodgy car dealers trying to haggle you down so they can sell on.. 'will you ship to Nigeria'.. The list goes on, when I sold an old civic 1.4 I had for £450 the new owner contacted me a week later saying the accelerator cable had snapped and basic told me I was going to pay for the repairs!!!

    Anyway, theres a lad selling a full Glanza 98' spec interior on Facebook for £120, if hes still got it when I get paid I'm not sure if I can resist.

  11. It's the tax that puts me off the mazdas a bit, another one on my list is a BMW 330ci, I was pretty impressed as a passenger in one a while back, but very common! Where as my starlet is the only SR I've seen in person for no joke 3 or 4 years now.

  12. Right my plan is to either turbo the SR, just not sure exactly all the bits I need and cost yet, or sell up in January when it gets a fresh MOT and use the money to buy another car... At the moment thinking possible Mazda 6 mps, Accord Type R or Clio 172, decisions!

  13. Lol that's very true indeed, they are so rare that no one knows what it is and everyone thinks it a shit box and that I've just passed my test and tbh it does get on my tits, a guy at work thought it was a fiesta! I get loads of people trying it on (must be the SR stickers and backbox) usually the likes of cupra Rs, Type Rs and focus STs etc but I know I'll get completely rinsed so it doesn't bother me, but I thought a fucking Prius! Of all cars!

  14. These replies have made me feel a bit better haha, it was the fact they goaded me into a race up the slip road then laughed as I slowly fell further and further behind them, if it wasn't so rare and and in such immaculate condition I prob would sell up. Great round the bends, shame about straights

  15. So, bought and fitted some new rubber O rings for the injectors from Toyota, no more leaking fuel and I can drive it again. The Corolla manifold combined with the blitz panel filter has made a nice difference right through the rev range, I also refurbished the heat shield.

    Had it 7 months now, 7 months of trouble free motoring and I'm not bored of it yet. She's now on 32,331 miles.

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  16. Ah mate its such a shame you're having to sell this, it really is a stunning example. I'd even say they're getting sought after now let alone in a few years, prices are on the rise it seems and good examples sell very quickly. You won't have trouble shifting this, worth every penny, good luck with the sale mate! Really hope it doesn't get repped.

  17. So today I finally got round to giving it a really good service and fitting the Corolla inlet mani, I thought the mani was really easy to fit, it's about the adjustable spanner!

    Annoyingly though after I took it for a test drive I noticed it's leaking fuel from two of the injectors, anyone else have this problem after fitting the mani?

    Tomorrow I'll have a go at detailing the engine bay, through the years of hardly being driven its built up quite a lot of damp mould.

    Before and after

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  18. Yeh they're pretty nippy, loads of people try it on lol. Yeh that's what I'm hoping especially seeing as mk1 and 2 fiestas are now worth a few quid.

    Good mate glad to hear it! Would've been a shame if you had to sell it and someone modded it to hell and ruined it and all your hard work haha.

  19. Thanks mate! I'll have a look through your thread in a min, I picked the gaskets up from Toyota today so will be fitting it next Monday probably.

    I have gone and bought another car to take some of the strain and mileage away from the starlet and give me another project, it's a 1.1 mk3 fiesta and in really good nick, so so slow, the starlet feels like a veyron in comparison haha.

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  20. Ah right what size hose? Ah mate not good! One of the reasons I got rid of my type R was because of mileage, at first a full tank of fuel lasted me 5 weeks, but then I met the missus and a change of work meant I was then spending over £250 a month on petrol.

    Mines looking even more immaculate now, I used a clay bar on her on Friday and the paintwork is like a mirror. Black is my favourite colour in these but God I forgot how much hard work keeping on top of black paint is lol.

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