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Everything posted by japman

  1. dont look like a corsa
  2. the uk turbo 2000 is shit. the wrx sti one is the nuts
  3. i bet you do corsa lookalike
  4. you sum up chavs, fookin thick, like anyone believes that shit.
  5. maybe a uk turbo 2000 u fookin spaz. and made of chocolate? you havin a laugh. you are all brainwashed with cars that 1 look shit 2 handle shit 3 go shit
  6. and when you hit a corner your fooked. straight line speed thats all starlet is for. how many straight roads do you see in the uk?
  7. funny thing is you cant say shit about imprezas as you know they piss all over your corsas
  8. any wrx sti would fuck the arse off any 2.0 car. oh and yes its awd (all wheel drive for you thick heads) but fuck me does it stick on those corners. so i get the best of both worlds, your corsas are just for straight line...........oh shit yeah they aint any good at that too. starlet...japans plastic rejects.
  9. you guys talk some dumb shit, like you know what your talking about, just because you cant afford a proper car. wrx sti common as muck? its because they are built properly and go like shit off a shovel so shut up bitches buy a decent car, not a corsa.........sorry starlet.
  10. next time you see a wrx sti give one a race it may be me, and you will be plesantly suprised how slow your starlets really are oh did i mention they look similar to a corsa
  11. japman


    sack the mini and sack the startlet, get a proper car mate, for the money there is so much better.
  12. why does everyone chav out their starlet?
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