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Everything posted by 200sx-Starlet-Jay

  1. my mate got an after market exhaust manifold for his 1.2 punto, and had it rolling roaded at 8bhp more than his standard decated powerflow exhaust, do they make any for the N/A starlet??!! I HOPE SO!!
  2. yeah in my quest for stripin out, i wanted the bare shell pretty much to make it worth while!! plus it feels like it has power steering, so light, and i go gym 5 days a week! i thort the stiky yokos wud grip when not moving, but still is fine"
  3. yeah lol i was like GER IT DARN ME i was well happy!! didnt think i wud have a chance but i just kept on ure arse lol!! its loads faster now as well with the mani on! got it booked in for an exhaust on saturday as well!! shud make it sound a bit nicer!! u got ure whip back yet frm TT??
  4. im doin that!! geting the hard piping off an intercooler kit, feeding it down, the radiator can be moved 3 inches.. enuf for the cooler pipe, then mounting it just above where the gap in the bumper is!! should give a nice sound to with induction filter facing out like a mega fone!!
  5. got it off ebay mate, guy i brought it off had no idea what he was doing, was breakin a car, so after explaining what it was and where it was and what it looked like, he sed £20 delivered.. not sounding to eager i jumped at the chance !! no loss in power, defo high end gain, took it out tonite after droping my misus off, and fuck me... now it is empty wiv no tools etc.. MINT is all i can say!
  6. FINALY! got a rolla inlet mani off the old Ebay! cost me £20 deliverd! me and a mate fitted it 2nite in the garage, and took it for spin!! defo worth doing it, just as everyone was raving about!! see the before and after pics below!!! excuse the state of the engine bay, havnt cleaned it since i put the induction kit on!! thats soon comin, spraying the mani nd the rocker cover, and a general tidy and clean, with colour coding! BEFOR AFTER so there it is!! Thanks to NEIL YORKE for his help!!
  7. took ma bro out with me, he heard it befor i swapped it and after... im running an induction kit, and tha mani now, and ma bro said it sounded "beefier" than the starlet mani. bottom end was the same i thought, but top end throught the power band i noticed a difference, pulled very well and it redlined higher. also the power didnt fade towards higher revs!! My starlet is stripped out, so i think it shud make a lot of difference to the power to weight ratio!!! altho my test drive tonight, i had 2 tool boxes in my car full of carpenters kit and powertools, loads of coats and stuff, bottles, scre
  8. fitted it!! didnt disconect battery for 30 mins, more like 10... didnt read this first!! will it make any difference?!! 5BHP for £20 delivered in my case .. LOOKS LIKE I GOT MY RAT OUT AGAIN WITH THAT! guna update my thread in a sec, pics are on there if ure interested!! took it out for a drive 2
  9. how you do that? disconect battery or take out the fuse?? cant remember which fuse it is tho!!
  10. hi all, know this is under wrong section but need help asap!! im about to attempt to fit my rolla mani that has just arrived, what am i going to need to do, or is it just bolt off bolt on??? i also was sent the rolla throttle body, is it any different to the starlet one i.e bigger/better, or shall i just take it off and keep the starlet one?!! any help wud be greatly apreciated asap!!! cheers lads Jay
  11. yeah thats the one im thinkin about... ive spoken to em, and they can custom make me a 3.5" exit, which would look a lot better than the 4" imo. angled exit and im sorted !!
  12. oh rite so youve done it then rob?? what gains/difference did you feel, what areas etc?!! cheers
  13. hi mate, i wouldnt even bother on the 200sx lol... i was refering to my starlet N/A that people have tried this on. cheers though.. ive spoke to them about it in the past!!
  14. nice one mate!!! y cant he sell the reverse lights with it ;) lol
  15. i thort u just disconect battery and thats it... altho it can mess with alarms, stereo settings ect! is there an easyer way... and how long are you supposed to leave it disconected for?!
  16. Rite im getting an exhaust over the next week or so, going for a cat back. altho i said i would never go back to Exhausts uk, looks like i am as they are the only ones that are able to provide what i want! I asked powerflow to fit it with an angled exit... "Y DO YOU WANNA DO THAT? IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE AND ITS NOT POSSIBLE" i was like yeah i knw there is a slight bend in it and it will take 0.1 horsepower from my huge snarling 1.3 motor, but i want it for looks, ive had 2 jap cars, both with angled exits on and thats the look im after. " YEAH BUT ITS NOT POSSIBLE, I REALY DONT KNOW WHY U WANT I
  17. lol yeah im realy on the prowl now for a rolla mani, want one realy bad so if u see any... holla at cha boi!! the seats were about £200 delivered from JMC motorsport, and the harnesses were £82 delivered from this online company, cant remember the name but if ure after a set i will drag the invoice out 4 ya. then the steel plates to fit the seats were £10 for 4
  18. sorry to be a noob, but what does tc trading mean, where are they and how do i speaks with them?!!
  19. after a rolla mani, let me know if you got one, as i realy want one desperatly!! cheers
  20. when you take ure car in to get it serviced, what do they do exactly? im not a newbie when it comes to using tools, always been messing with my cars and crossers, but jsut want to know what they do so i dont miss anything!!
  21. my toyota celica was a 7afe, the 1.8i uk spec car. has anybody done the throttle body change to there starlet?? cant remember where i read it but i think someone said it was a mod that can be done to the 4efe. if so is it a straight swap or does it require some fabricating?! would there be a noticable increase in power/response ect!!!?
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