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Posts posted by t'mill

  1. t'mill, yes I know what you mean. Hard to find a nice little turbo hot hatch these days. Especially the shit hot ones from the 80s and 90s. They're starting to fetch good money nowadays because modern day cars are boring as f***/

    I know what you mean pal. If I'd have kept my XR2, Scirocco, Nova SRs, Mk2 GTI, Mk1 Astra GTE, Uno Turbo, etc, I'd be a rich man! Lucky I did have the foresight to keep my S1 Escort RS Turbo though which has appreciated nicely.

    Have to echo your comment on new cars not being as interesting to drive as the older stuff. We have a new Focus 1.5DCi eco-boost at work, and despite it being noticeably faster than my Starlet NA, I'd still prefer to drive the Starlet. It's just more fun and engaging

  2. Here you go, uno turbo

    Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/352031199608

    Ooooooh nooooo! :( I remember the Hormann kitted efforts back in the day. Oh dear, they haven't aged well!!

    For me it's a stock looking Mk1 that floats me boat. Preferabley in the turquoise/blue colour :)

    Unfortunately UnoTurbos have nearly disappeared with price tags to match for reasonable Mk1 survivors. Last 2 I've seen were both up at £9,000, which is ridiculous amount for a car that was considered crap back then haha

  3. That looks wicked! What a great idea to do an SR tribute. It even looks 'factory' as if Toyota rolled the SR model onto the Corolla. Top effort. Hope you have better luck sourcing Speedlines than I had when doing my replica :( Had to settle on some BBS rims in the end.

  4. I'd be way to embarrassed to be seen driving that SX pal. Looks like an ape built it in a shed with hammers. If it were a stock SX with good mileage in excellent nick, I'd prob lean towards a swap as like you say, all the SXs are creeping up in value, just look at how much a mint low miler 200 goes for. But there's the caveat, they do need to be in great condition and as close to standard as possible. And that's down to the drifting scene (or apes with hammers) ruining most of the 240's/200's which hasn't left many good examples left.

  5. I was like you. Was into it back in the day then had the usual mid life thing where you start to look back on a happier time! Then one evening over a few beers and the t'interweb, me an a mate got to reminiscing about RC when we were kids, and before we knew we were ordering all sorts!

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