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Posts posted by Shyam

  1. It has already been covered its Nout to do with the forum itsself its the people.

    I dont have facebook.. its full of shit but can see the effect its having on the forum..

    The traders should be getting involved more. I know they got businesses to run ect but they should be the 1s helping us out with the tech more..

    Just maybe few more fun things to do to attract people back... photo of the month all well and good but its 2 long winded waiting for outcome then it gets forgoten...

    Shorten it to weekly comps. Put a theme in it.. every1 loves getting snap happy..


    Prize draws....

    Any way of doing a games section? Weather its oldschool packman or some shit. Lol...

    it's not really long winded mate.. the starlet of the week photo, etc etc would be voted on by ukso members on the same topic and then tallied up by mods at end of the week. the votes would be public on the same thread so it would be easy for anyone to tally up after that ...yeah like the ideas of themes etc

  2. I think it's a fair point by glanzagee, maybe introduce a stricter rule in how people answer stuff with more technical and well constructed answers to queries and concerns. I find that a lot of people know what they're talking about and use abbreviated terms. And in fairness to them, they mean no harm by it..., they're just using the keyboard more efficiently but it could confuse noobs (like me) that are reading back on forums for information. lol We should treat the forums like a information base with ideas and knowledge as well as peoples experiences. progression and banter all at the same time.

  3. 100%

    also when people give advice on here some of it is bollocks the things i read are just a joke

    whats giving these cars and there add on parts bad names are these kind of people. not enough tech talk just a heard of sheep following the sheppard

    Yeah well people should not hesitate to step in and debate/correct anyone if they feel they're wrong. After all, innocent person could go away and try all that stuff they were advised on, believing it will work and then comes back to haunt them lol

  4. It happened because i was being a tit :D

    Youre onto the right lines there buddy, those mods will see you at the power you want.

    I would say though buy a spare engine and build it up in anticipation.

    This was another one i done haha.


    thanks pal....Yeah it will see me to the power I'm after but is there anything else I can install to maintain reliability/engine failure? I'm thinking I should also add a oil catch can with baffles etc to the list...

    haha looks a bit like a vagina. Only time I blew a piston through a cylinder head was in my mk2 fiesta when it had a pitiful 1.0 lawnmower engine. Ran that motor into the ground for an excuse to put a bigger motor in and even after the camshaft snapped in half, it still ran strongly for a whole month until eventually piston blew through the head. I still got a chunk of the cylinder head with a bit of the serial number on it which I use as a keyring. Proper sentimental stuff lol

    MSL gasket on my gt after a few weeks of use

    Jeez, I think I'll be sticking to OEM gaskets then if I ever need to replace it...

  5. we currently do

    Japfest silverstone

    Japfest Donington


    any more shows people want to do if we get enough numbers and there is a member of staff avalible we will happily attend.

    some very good points being raised thanks guys keep them coming.

    cheers nick :)

    Yes would also be good to have some casual car meets where we can meet in a un-used car lot and look at each others cars, hang out and go for a cruise and stuff. I'm not sure what the legality is on this is anymore.

    Added some more ideas on edit.

  6. Facebook is good for sales and some comical discussions. The forum is where the priceless stuff is at. Met some very decent genuine people on UKSO and everyone is helpful and willing to share info/ideas/thoughts which is a big bonus compared to what Facebook could ever offer. People on UKSO are patient with noobs and understand that everyone has to start somewhere which is really good to see in the community.

    Also, more shows, casual car meets in locations accessible to everyone. Switch up the locations so everyone can join in on the fun.. Would like to see all your cars/builds in the flesh! The lads in the classic ford group organize a euro trip and drive to France, Germany etc every year which I think would be good fun.

    May also be interesting to create some sort of section friendly competition. i.e 'starlet of the week photos' and 'best progress of the month', 'wheel Wednesdays photos' etc. Not thought about it too much, these are all just some ideas!

  7. 4efte isn't really designed to be a performance engine

    Ollieh, what you thinking then mate, leave it stock ?

    What is the main cause of head gasket failure = excessive boost for components used e.g oem headgasket, oem head bolts . poor tune the list can go on..

    bottom end failure = again being unrealistic with the amount of load components can take vs power goals = ticking time bomb. poor tune poor machine work etc etc

    vtec rev range hmm i think thats around 10000 rpm i havent seen or heard of a 4e or 5e rev too that and live too tell the tale ! but i have seen them rev too 9000 rpm all day long but that involes alot of R&D and money

    Yes mate, I agree. That's why I thought I'd raise the question and plan ahead before I do the work. I don't want to go and start bolting bits on without installing all the stuff to support the mods and internals under high stress. You could say this is my cheap attempt at R&D lol

    When it went.. at 133mph.. i thought it was the HG, until i stripped the head off, check no2 piston.

    That was a standard OEM gasket with OEM headbolts, the ones from factory. The piston melted before the gasket blew, was still in good nick!

    No way mate, so the metal expanded before collapsing under all that heat allowing all that water to seep through... it wasn't really a head gasket failure then, more like a piston failure lol I suppose an OE gasket is okay for the task then..

    i presume you was running alot of ing timing ?

    Ya stock head is a no no on the limiter and small turbo 1s work is done no problem but still happens not as often I've a full acis ported 5efhe heads and sometimes still blows at 7500/8000 and always between 1 and 2 cilinder again common spot right there seems the heads are the course maybe design flaw I don't know

    sometimes blows at 7500/8000 ? what data do you have too say this ?

    does the turbo your using still make power at this rev band ? dyno graph ? for the need too rev this high ?

    i presume youve changed your head gasket more than a few times? how many times have you decked the block ?

    okay guys, so you mentioned a stock head is a no no on the rev limiter. Are you suggesting porting the head? Change the cams? Uprated Valve Springs?

    This seems like a bit of a sensitive area, maybe I should just leave it stock lol. Or settle for a soft upgrade to about 160-170bhp lol

  8. Maintenance and 2nd stay out of the VTEC range these are turbo mother's not limiter bashers that's how those newbies kill them

    haha thanks Colin. Mine is a bit more reluctant getting to VTEC range being an Auto but will definitely remember this for when its converted to a manual!

    Aw man ive blown up many statlet engines haha all part of the fun!

    Some people recently have had bother with those athena HGs.

    OEM Toyota are normally fine.


    Yeah stay away from the red line.. 5th gear red line in the 4paw a few years ago.

    Daniel_G, Fakin hell mate, that's some serious head gasket failure. You can go swimming in that mate haha

    Is that a multi layer metal gasket? Didn't seem to hold up too well at all. It doesn't seem like the gasket itself blew, water seep through gaps??

  9. You can do a strait edge feeler test on the deck to see if the deck is strait the limit on the feeler test is 00.5 anything above that would need skimming but would recommend skimming 100%.

    Thanks bud. I'm definitely going to do this. Going to be a bit more expensive than I thought but it's important that I can use car as my daily with peace of mind.

    My engine has done almost 250,000 km and it's on a auto box(probably exposed to less stress than a manual). Would you recommend I rebuild the engine before going for more power?

  10. If you get the head and block skimmed you wont have any issues people tend not to skim sometimes and end up with problems i made a mistake a few years ago didn't deck my head before fitting my msl gasket it blew a few weeks later.

    Thanks for the input starletezy, okay so it's important to get head and block skimmed before putting on a new head gasket, regardless of if it had blown a head gasket or not? will bear this in mind

  11. Don't understand why people don't just change it it's relatively inexpensive and not as hard as it looks to replace. Obviously it once the head is off and the damage is assessed is either to continue or not if it's financially feasible. But to prevent against it again at higher power levels it needs a very clean deck surface before installing a multi layer steel head gasket, combined with arp head bolts

    yes pal, it's not a hard job to do but sometimes theres no telling when its going to go. My motor is close to 250 km now so I'm debating whether I should rebuild it before I go to push for more power. Although it still runs very well and smoothly.. Steel Head Gaskets such as the Athena ones? They're quiet expensive but I'd definitely put on in if it's the difference between it blowing or not lol

    maintenance its key mine gets new oil and filter evey 2k or after every track event also have a baffled sump to help stop oil starvation during hard cornering.

    cheers nick. :)

    Thanks for that Nick, is that every 2000km or miles? Good measure to take mate, you must love your car haha. Baffles on a sump, never heard of that being done before but does sound interesting. Guessing it's not a requirement for daily use though...

    Head skimmed, block decked, 0.5mm metal HG, ARP studs.

    After that if mine blows again i'll burn it to the ground.

    haha easy daniel_g, how many times have you blown yours mate?

    So from all that I can gather;

    - Good Maintenance

    - Metal multi-layer gasket

    - ARP head bolts

  12. Since joining the starlet community, I've noticed a lot of nice Glanza's being broken due to head gasket failure. Towards the end of this year, I am planning to build to get some more power however I don't want to become another victim. Many of you have starlets which are highly tuned and putting healthy miles on the clock and some of you may have been a victim head gasket failure or even a blown engine.

    What is the main cause of head gasket failure/blowing an engine(bottom end failure etc) and what can be done to prevent it when building for around 200bhp?

  13. been having a look in to this might have found away around the problem!! will update once i finished!! smile.png

    Did you manage to find a way around this? I've just fitted the boss with contacts and my horn has a push in spring mechanism.


  14. It's a dirty brown with a burnt smell to it also, so it will be changed before it hits to roads again

    Sounds like an easy procedure, one that I could handle in my condition. Which ATF do you use for yours Shyam?

    Also, have you heard of LubeGard Platinum for ATF? Came across it last week which seems to be mainly available for the American market but is available to buy here at an extra premium by the looks of it.


    I used standard Carlube Dexron 2 however handbook says either Dexron 2 or 3 are both okay.

    I've not come across that brand before, just used some standard stuff as I'm converting mine to a manual soon. However some of the guys here and on TGTT have recommended this one:


    Fuchs are a premium brand for all things fluid/lubrication related. I use their GT1 oil and I definitely noticed a difference in power, car fires up and runs a lot smoother!

  15. Hi Kalp, welcome to the club.

    I've got a Glanza V Auto myself and changed the ATF fluid on mine when I first got it. As Mart1 mentioned, if it's bright red then the chances are it won't need changing however if it's dark brown/black like mine was then I'd definitely change it. Changing the ATF fluid resulted in much smoother gear changes and it's a easy job so it's definitely worth doing it. I'm planning to convert mine to a manual later this year with a good friend I've met here.

    If you jack your car up or use ramps, get underneath. You will see a bolt under the transmission box a bit like a sump plug. Undo the bolt/plug and transmission fluid will follow out. It's important that you use a bucket or something to collect ALL your fluid. You will need to measure exactly how much you take out and replace with exactly how much you take out. I used the automatic transmission dip stick hole to put the fluid back in. You wont be able to remove all the fluid out the box in one go. So if you plan to flush the whole system, I'd carry this proceedure out twice over a period of a week or so.

  16. Mike_trx is a top bloke with lots of knowledge and experience with turbo starlets. Genuine down to earth guy willing to have a good chat and advise on different technical topics.

    Bought a Roadrunner split decat off Mike for a very reasonable price. The item arrived quickly on tracked delivery and better than described! Was very pleased with it. :)

    Thank you Mike!

  17. ah bikes, one wheel drive, fall over, knacker their engines at like 50k miles, require special clothing to ride 'safely' and arent actually that fast unless the weather is good and the road suits it. but still the biker fanboys go on about their superiority, baffling.

    lol someone's obviously scared of bikes haha the engines run forever if looked after just like a car and I can assure you any 1000cc sports bike and prob even 600cc would distroy most cars on the road even in the wet

    haha you both have a good point. Whitenoize, bikes are a lot more dangerous and one moments loss of concentration or another foolish driver could end up costing you your life.... But Chops, I gotta say mate, 2 wheels are a bigger adrenaline rush than 4 wheels. They're fun but I wouldn't go out tearing the streets up and trying to race on a motorbike. And like you say, I only go out on my bike when the weather is good.

    I started this topic because if you pull up in your poxy little starlet next a 40 grand AMG or Msport car and they think they're better than you because they're rich or because their cars worth more than yours, imagine how good it would feel to reduce their egos to the size of a pea ball.

  18. Haha im just saying that with the likes of T/C, boost by gear that modern cars are more likely to come equipped with they can get the 0-60 times down quite a lot without a crazy amount of power

    Yeah I know what you mean. Got a Tiguan company car and although it goes relatively well, it's seriously boring to drive. It feels like everything is electrically engaged and assisted.

    2nd gear pulls are where its at.

    2nd gear is where its at till u have serious shunt, then 3rd is the new 2nd ;)

    Daniel_G, Chops, Yes lads. I'm currently on an Auto at the min but converting to a Manual LSD later this year. Seriously can not wait !! haha

    Get a motorbike job done

    As above. Buy a motorbike lol.

    Lol yeah I already have one. But my CBT limits me to a 125cc. Still making the most of it with a rotax racing engine 2 stroker I'm a bigger fan of Rally Dakar/Enduro bikes than Superbikes. Generally because I think they're scary and I'd probably kill myself on one lol

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