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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. OOOOOO!! kinda makes me wanna keep my fte with the original front instead of converting it!!! bloody well job man! stay tuned for my exterior conversion!
  2. Good God! that is mint! *salivating!*
  3. HI and welcome! hope u enjoy your stay w/ us!
  4. It's going well man! your car is deffinately motivation to get mine sorted! can't wait! lol is the genuine concenses that the duck spoiler looks better than the standard glanza one? or is it jus opinion of a few?
  5. Cujo


    wow thats a gud job dun there! gud luck on the rest of your project!
  6. Good progress man! i look up to idrees, you an sparky for inspiration with my toy! lol cant wait to start work on it! lol
  7. Dude that is insanely brilliant! lovely detail an great job! lookin foward to seein her all done!
  8. Cujo

    Hello !

    welcome to UKSC! have a gud stay !
  9. welcome to UKSC! have a gud stay dude!
  10. Welcome to the club chap hope u enjoy your stay! ;)
  11. Oh ok thanx a bunch u guys was really pondering on the idea but u guys saved me some trouble. I guess it'll deffinately make a lot more sense to put in the 4efte than waste money tryin to turbo this one an have it flop! so in the meantime i'll jus make her sexy then worry about the power upgrades later. Thanx again uz guys!
  12. Thanx for the info nang.. but i dont wanna change the engine yet! but thanx a bunch i'll kep it in mind.. ne other opinions pplz?
  13. What are some things i can do to to get the most outta my engine, cuz i wanna turbo it. Its a standard 1300cc 16 val, an automatic. Where should i start? what parts should i install first? can i bore the engine out to a 1500cc safely? then port and polish? Need some pointers...plz! will post pix soon!
  14. Np i think i may b able to put some pics up 2moro tho. Its a fully standard affair an only jus bought it lol. gunna have it on the road my the end of the month(insurance) but in the mean time i'm tryin to get some advice on the the works of it. The other thing i'm wanna do is turbo the sucker (later), but i dont wanna change the engine or transmition(it's auto...ugh!).
  15. Thanx was hoping i didnt have to do ne cutting. Was mainly conscerned about that. I'm not gunna do a "full" conversion jus yet doin the front job 1st. Are the brackets needed for the front bumps too?
  16. Hi there ya'll jus bought a 1996 starlet (ep 91). wanna no, what do i need to do to do a glanza conversion? do i jus need the to get the lights an hood? thinkin about making the switch!
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