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Posts posted by Jozinobi

  1. Easy now lads before anything gets unnecessarily out of hand.

    Paul you have asked for everyone's opinions and iamlegend has publicly expressed his opinion on your situation. At the end of the day, the choice is yours what you decide to do bro and I sincerely hope that you get it sorted out the best you can. I can't stand people owing money, they are quick to borrow and take forever to repay.

    Please try to accept what he has said as a figure of speech and move on, that is only one opinion out of many. I can understand you not liking his reply but there is no need for name calling or telling others to fuck off as this is a public forum and people can say what they like within reason and can stay as long as they like.

    I am not siding with iamlegend but he was hardly out of order and there is a certain forum etiquette that needs to be followed otherwise these threads get closed and people fall out all over a soggy biscuit. We are all proud bastards but you will be the bigger to man to not react to negative feedback man, more kudos to you to ignore it and get on with the subject at hand.

    Keep it clean lads - we've all been there in these silly situations. Enjoy your weekend people!


  2. Take it you mean DS2500 Joz? If so yes, they're meant to be shit hot, not tried tem personally but will be when I finally get another wilwood setup. :)

    :blush: Yes I meant the DS2500's Wallace. I run them on my WMS as they were the top option at the time of buying. Very happy with them, seem a perfect match.


  3. A very very sad sight to see but am genuinely glad you are still here to tell the tale mate.

    Shows you just how fragile life is - having been in a very similar barrier accident in the wet myself.

    Make sure to enjoy every day and every minute to the max from now on.

    All the best with the salvage and kudos for sticking with the EP brand.


  4. Dave, the simpler task would be to locate your current standard ecu and check the loom plug that connects directly to it for the number of pinout plugs.

    EP91 location is directly behind the glovebox, EP82 location is behind the bottom of the centre console, directly behind where the cigarette lighter compartment resides.

    2 plugs means its an EP82 engine loom, 3 plugs means its a Glanza EP91 loom. The non-turbo also uses 2 plugs.

    Example of an EP91 n/a 2 plug loom (white plugs)


    This is the best way to identify which type of plug'n'play ecu plug type you require. There is no difference between the two except for fitment and perhaps availability as there are many different types of plug'n'play ecu's out there, some rarer than others in 2 plug and 3 plug form.

    John beat me to it but the info is there ;)


  5. You must be pleased as punch John :)

    Not just with the result but the improved drivability of your EP.

    Hats off to TD for their mapping service, they do a really tidy installation as I also run on of their field harnesses with my ultimate.

    Enjoy the RB setup John, until the hunger soon gets the best of you ;)

    Nice work


  6. Phil I also had a very bad experience with the long multi chamber betta tanks :(

    No matter how clean you keep the tanks and maintain them, an epidemic always seems to spread.

    Few more pics and short vids I took whilst bored at work which I thought were worth sharing :

    Hoplosternum Cat


    Pleco Sp.


    CT Fighter Footage


    Rare (doesn't come out often) Royal Plec Footage


    Enjoy (I'm not an L number fan honest :huh:)


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