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Everything posted by Laura_ep91

  1. its idrees cousin i think man... p.s its tucka lora left her self logged in so couldnt be asses to sign myself in lol
  2. well done on passing ya test, must be a great feeling out on the road i cant wait to get car sorted so tempted to get tucka to insure me on glanza
  3. im tucka's other half and since he is my driver in the glanza im saying thanks for getting part as we cud not go any where with out radiator
  4. thanks again on mine and tuckas be half even tho my friend at white is laughing at the white and black look of the car
  5. tucka ment to put ep85 not ep82 silly him
  6. im shocked poor little starlet
  7. while searching for a sr on gum tree i come across this how rude..... http://www.gumtree.com/london/46/26175046.html tut tut ;)
  8. im gonna look for a old person who has one and ask if they need it washing then do off with it haha or even they might just let me have it if i give a nice smile ;)
  9. im bored at work so going to check out looking for a nice sexy little sr
  10. he is just wierd then
  11. well hopefully should not be to long mate will make colour up in no time and then just need to find a good sprayer and raise funds for kit
  12. no not that either u will just have to wait n see
  13. nah its not gonna be white but good guess ;)
  14. well it wont be getting cleaned for a while because getting put into the garage and waiting for the radiator 2 arrive then tucka can get to work on that and leave me lookin for cars and then he can get his wallet out to buy
  15. just did another insurance check and i have got it down from £610 to £580 on the sr model i will just call a few places as well 2moro while i work bored
  16. thanks for translating husband
  17. well sorry guys but just got in the car is all clean and never got message in time maybe next time decide on the paint colour when i get car it was simple right in front of me while cleaning the glanza today. But you will all have to wait
  18. i will try not wash any off maybe i could try get the paint work off this time he he
  19. ok just all stick with laura and interesting fact on earwigs. Gonna look at insurance today for the glanza and also spend day searching for starlet. If weather stays nice might even pop out and spend couple of hours washing the glanza n making him sparkle
  20. which ever u want to call me lora or laura
  21. agreed its very nice tucka showed me it a wee while ago i was looking at pinky purple colours but dont think it will go with car been so small also on look out for great manga ladies for my graphics on the car
  22. yes i am female thanks for pointing it out haha. but hi u all seem jokers on here
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