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Steve GT

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Posts posted by Steve GT

  1. I'm not too sure on that one maybe. Cause they did standard fit some optionals into certain limited edition starlets. Like the Momo gear knob and steering wheel in te advances and the snow chains in the special 'snow' edition starlets so maybe.

    Also that's such a shame you never bought it even though they look horrible would have been awesome to see a set. Or atleast a picture or 2 :)

  2. nice work mate :) one thing tho when im reading it the picture of the "climate control" is an arm rest just wondering if you seen it :thumbsup:

    Thanks mate just changed it.

    I am aware of a few bits that need doing as well as a few things need adding but if you see something you might be wrong please feel free to speak up I want this guide to be as accurate as possible.

    Also anyone have any decent pics that can replace anything that's picture in this guide is a brochure scan please let me know :)

  3. Just be aware everyone this guys never had this running or in any way working at all. I have 3 clean aces and not one of them works at all luckily I didn't pay much for them but its still annoying. Just a heads up that unless you know it's a runner and seen it for yourself you may be in for a dissapointment

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