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Dan Evans

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Posts posted by Dan Evans

  1. dan could have addressed the issue afore this then it would never have got to this stage

    However if your listened to what i said about not texting and ringing me, and actually contacting me via pm on here, it wouldnt of pissed me off so much.

    However, i will find out tomorrow whats going on, you may even get it tomorrow for all i know.

    I dont feel theres anymore comments to be made, everything is out in the open and theres nothing left to say.

    But if a MOD or ADMIN would like all contact information for me, then please feel free to PM me, just so nobody thinks i am a CON ARTIST!!!


  2. **update**

    Well the new engine is going well, 1800miles now and all seems fine, just abit tappety.

    Did a track day last wednesday at silverstone and was awsome. Did a quick track session at rockingham yesterday at Japfest. and heres some pics.... enjoy, if anyone has anymore of mine will they please add them to here, cheers guys.












  3. my mates got the origional reciept, but il see what i can find out.

    il go down tomorrow and give them the full address it was going to, and see what they say mate.

    Which city link did you contact?

  4. all i say to you mate, is wait until Wednesday, if nothing then DO text me during the day, il pop down to CITY LINK and find out whats going on.

    I do appologise that you have not had a good buying experience from me, all i can do is appologise, however it is out of my hands.

    as i said all mods are more than welcome to contact me and get my full address, landline and mobile number just to be certain im not a con artist.


  5. yes you did though you did clearly state i would have it on firday night after work, then you stated to me i would have it saturday afternoon then you stipped contact.

    i wasnt phoneing for anythin personal, i was phoneing as to an update of where the turbo was as i dont know about you but i cannont afford to waste £165 or have my car off road for over a week and since it was the only means of communication, after trying private messages i wanted an update as would you if you had invested money and the seller cut off all ties.

    and i know i knew what i was getting into though ive seen it far to often good sellers for a while go bad (kitaro,toby the likes)

    That maybe other sellers, but not me mate.

    I finished work at 11.30 pm, a 26 mile drive back, didnt get home until 12.15pm, wasnt going on to my mum n dads that late to get a tracking number. saturday i slept until 8 then had to go back out to work, by the time i finished saturday my parents were not in.

    I cant afford to burn money either at the moment, and i understand were you are coming from.

    However, i ignored your calls and txts, like i did warn you about, you could have PM'd me on here no problem, but i still would have been unable to get to a laptop, so there was an alternate route of contacting me.

  6. I can assure you it was not 31 missed calls,

    Also i checked when you were online last and when online on both forums and as you hadnt been on in a while on here and were just offline on tggt after posting about your tappets i assumed for quickness it would get to you first. And regardless if you sold it on here or anywhere else its still a mean of contact to you.

    also the big "1 new noticification" gives it away you have a pm. it didnt flash on the old site layout.

    you also never nformed me whatsoever about your laptop being broke.

    I cant see any new notification and if it is there then i do appologise but i missed it.

    The laptop being broken, you are correct i didnt tell you that, but i did tell you i had no internet access due to the delay in tracking number. Did i not???

  7. Well first of all I would like to say thanks for this post which proves your horrible attitude as a seller, I.e basically admitting u overcharged him and showing you don't give a toss that you did. And i'm sure when paying the postage it was under the assumption you would send it recorder for that kind of money, so yes I'd say a gun shouldn't be needed. Oh and thanks also for showing you don't even have the observation skills to see I was a actually a member here before you.

    Does this mean I should actually welcome you to uksc?

    In that case then welcome along buddy.

    And I'm well known on tgtt so you will fail at your attempt to undemine me.

    The parcel company have been contacted and they don't have a record of a delivery. And you still haven't provided a tracking number.

    I'm glad you have spoke to the mods because they will see what's goin on here.

    Oh and welcome again!

    The postage was clear to read for any buyer, what you did there was ASSUME i was sending it recorded for £18, which, you were wrong, so no, NO GUN NEEDED.

    I do give a toss that the guy hasnt had his turbo yet, however the personal calls and texts are out of order hence the reason i ignored him.

    I am ever so happy you are well known on TGTT, good for you, you should be proud.

    End of the day its got nothing to do with you, it may be in your workshop, but thats not my problem, the guy will get his turbo, and if it doesnt arrive he will get a full refund.

    The post does not prove i am a horrible seller at all, im pretty sure I've got a feedback thread, take a look through there to see if im a horrible seller.

  8. As i stated to you, the turbo was sent on Monday the 9th, then past on from ROYAL MAIL to CITY LINK on thursday 12th, hence the reason 4-5 working days went out the window.

    I stopped any contact with you via my mobile phone like i did say i would, and i did tell you to contact me via PM on here, the 31 missed calls, and the one answered calls are all on my phone. Why send me a PM on TGTT when i sold the turbo using UKSC??????

    And yes i have been on TGTT since, but due to the new layout the PERSONAL MESSAGES do not flash when you have a message, hence why i havent seen it until now.

    I cannot get to a laptop due to mine being away for repair, like i also told you, hence the reason you had to wait for the tracking number, because the nearest laptop was at my parents house 20 miles away!

    Saturday i was working all day and sunday i was at Japfest all day.

    Like i said, PM me and i will happily speak with you, but you didnt listen to me about the phone calls and txts, hence the reason i ignored you, like i said i would if you didnt stop.

  9. Id just like to back this up as the car has Been in my workshop all week waiting for this turbo to arrive.

    I realise people maybe have had good experiences with Dan however, your only as good as your last one, so I think an open mind should be kept despite past good transactions.

    For instance 18 quid to post a turbo is fair enough IF it had been sent by special recorded in the first place, but from my understanding it was sent standard delivery, which is wrong considering he knew someone was needing it asap for their car.

    As well as the value bein 150 quid! And then after not recieving it after a week to then be told "you will have to wait till I'm ready to get a tracking number" is just awfull, and shows little respect for a fellow starlet owner.

    And the fact he is now ignoring the buyer but a member on here can get him straight away says it all.

    If I post something I make sure it gets there quick and if there are postage problems I help in any way I can.

    And as for the royal mail bein slow, that doesn't apply here as they apparently passed it on to a parcel delivery firm, the same firm I may add only took 2 days to get tires I bought online from England to myself this week.

    I'm not on here much but I have no doubt the usual mates will come out the woodwork to back Dan up about how great his service is and he will have plenty of excuses.But any reasonable non biased person will see facts=fail!

    Youve signed up on here to tell me and the rest of the UKSC that I've overcharged your mate on postage and for the part?? Nobody had a gun to his head to buy it mate....

    As for the 'usual mates' comment, i dont expect anybody to stand up for me or blow smoke up my arse and back me up, but, the words POT, BLACK and KETTLE spring to mind, you have signed up on here to BACK YOUR MATE UP!!!!!!

    I've explained the situation, and the MODS will take it from here.

    (by the way, welcome to UKSC <_< )

  10. I've managed to finish work early to sort this out.

    I sold a TD05 to STARLET ENTERPRISE on FRIDAY 6th, i had the confirmation by my friend that the turbo had been sent out on MONDAY 9th AUGUST , and all was fine. I then txt STARLET ENTERPRISE that it had been sent like you asked me to, 4 Days later i get a call from him asking were it was and have i deffo sent it, i said yes its been sent and il find out whats happened to it.

    The royal mail has passed the turbo over to another sister company CITY LINK on THURSDAY 12th AUGUST, so i phoned my mate and he said he was contacted by city link and asked how long delivery would be etc.. they told him no later than wednesday 18th.

    My mate gave them my contact details due to him going on holiday, and they EMAILED me a tracking number, Tonight is the first time since he paid me that i have got to a laptop, as i can get on forums using my mobile but not my AOL account.

    I have checked but had no emails.

    I Did tell STARLET ENTERPRISE that it was sent as a STANDARD PARCEL, which does take 4-5 working days. I understand that you are frustrated about not having the turbo yet, but i can not control the delivery vans!!!!

    Also, when i did txt Starlet Enterprise about it being sent, i have had in total 16 messages and 32 phone calls ( some at 11pm at night) from this guy since i sold it to him, i kindly asked you not to contact me on my personal mobile, which you have continued to do, hence the reason i am not answering or replying to your texts, i did tell you to conact me through PM on here, which you HAVENT done.

    If the turbo does not arrive to you by WEDNESDAY 18th, then i will go down to CITY LINK myself and find out whats going on....

    I understand its been a long wait, but it is totally out of my hands, i have had not one bad feedback from any member on here or TGTT, i am an honest guy and those who know me or have met me i am a straight down to earth guy, il do anything to help anyone out.

    Id appreciate no more phone calls or txts like i asked in the first place, and for you to wait until wednesday.

    Any mods who want to contact me then PM me and il give you my number and address if anyone feels im some sort of con artist.


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