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Dan Evans

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Posts posted by Dan Evans

  1. yeah was an awsome day, spun out @ 80mph which was a little twitchy, but reached 125mph down the straights.

    i had to take a couple braks due to arseholes taking it far too seriously and it getting abit stupid out there.

    I went for fun and to see what its like but theres some people who dont give a shit about the rules or the other people on the track

  2. went on a track day yesterday and loved every minute of it.

    The glanza did me proud and had no problems with it at all which was great, i did in total 22 laps so pretty good i thought in 2 hours.

    There was alot of Rascals, porsche's, ferrari's, 106 gti, saxo's, evo's and impreza's and much much more there... I did give quite a few of them a big surprise lol.

    Heres a couple photo's i had on my fone but i will add many many more when i get them on the weekend.













  3. So I take out love film, rent a dvd for free... does it sign me up monthly or do i get the chance to cancel?

    yeah take out love film, sign up and do all the details etc, the once you have recieved your FIRST dvd from love film, cancel it to stop any payments etc.. so you do have to add your card detials etc but you cancel it once you recive your first free dvd. Simples ;)

  4. my mum has just recieved her FREE iPad for getting people to sign up, i will be taking photo's tomorrow of the iPad, its a 32GB model brand new.

    The website has loads of goodies on there and you have to get a number of people to sign up to get your freebie.

    I think we all need to help each other out and sign up on each others siggs and get ourselves a free iPad or other goodies!!!


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