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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. ecksjay if you want a look at a pic of the wheels then go on www.glanza.co.uk and look at cars for sale there is a glanza with castrol graphics on it thats lukes car. thats the wheels he got for sales and thats my back bumper as it still got green sticker left on it in the corners shame that car is going to be pink to
  2. they where end of the line at my toyota they only cost me 150 pound because they wanted to get ride off them thanks shelly the panda ears will be white soon so no more panda ears
  3. yeah i got what you meant after. no people think it is a glanza then i tell them its not bud
  4. what do you mean rich dont understand what you r saying
  5. ok the do look better when they r colour coded
  6. thats ok cost you the teins thoe
  7. see mate now iam sell your wheels for you
  8. thanks you getting some r you mate
  9. ask him how much he wants for them dave he get new alloys
  10. i was going to put a post up about your car on steelies with no wheel trims but you bet me to it putting pics up looks a clean car thoe dude cant weight to see what wheels you get
  11. i used mk3 astra backplate but when you try them in place they look like they wont fit as there is a big gap underneth the mirror put when you put the dtm on the backing plates it is all hidden mate
  12. thats where you went i look and you was there then you wasent and ecksjay what the harm of a bit of fun when there is no one about it wasent like it was on the roed with people that could get hurt it was on a dead beach mate
  13. i was also out taking pics today down weston also ripping up the hand brake on the beach how much fun that was lol
  14. seen you today i was going to pull over put you turned off on to the sea front thought it was you why dident you follow look like you was only cruiseing
  15. my new mirror just need painting and also the bumper needs painting aswell
  16. no but i can get pics if you want have to be in the week thoe
  17. is that the one that was on ebay nice motor i like the ms design kits on the starlets go with the car
  18. ecksjay if you want the wheels he got with the red on them then luke up at karma imports is selling a set of wheels like them 250 there toms as well
  19. ok my mistake about the ducktail but i thought the ducktail was they big spoliers you can get from zeprm or livesport. the only reason my car is a conversion is because iam 17 and cannot insure a glanza yet and i only did the conversion because i got all the parts cheep and people at the tatsu meet thought it was a glanza in tell i told them it wasent anyway and they do do non turbo glanza as well they r not just turbos
  20. he hasent got a ducktail.ecksjay you goin to the next tatsu meet mate
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