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Posts posted by glanza179

  1. well over the past few weeks i have decided the glanzaS is never going to be a fast car without throwin alot of money at it so looked at making it a nice clean standard example. and maybe get a Glanza V to accompany it in 6months or so.

    picked this lot up from work today tyres tomorrow hope.






  2. hay guys not updated this topic for a long time as been having a few issues due to lack of working hours so all my money has been going on the care of my fish.

    however why out over the weekend i saw this fella and couldnt resist, about 9" in length and im hoping to introduce him to my female




  3. gutted mate,

    my Staffie cut his foot open on some glass over Xmas but luckily it werent to bad he didnt need to go to the vets

    glad your dogs ok and good bit of retail therapy you did there too :D


  4. ive had a quick measure of the discs on my glanza S through the wheel and they seem to be approx 235 - 240 mm diameter,

    i would like to change the discs and pads in the next few weeks but ideally id like to get some grooved discs. does anyone know where i can get some from as only ones i seem to be able to finde are 255mm Glanza V discs,

    also does the glanza V not use the same calliper as the EP91 SR / Glanza S so can i get the 255mm discs to fit?


  5. looks a well tidy motoe mate

    few common niggles with winter here you may want to check, rear lights fill with water and then fill the boot, easy fix just pop them out put some rubber regenerator on the seals and drop em back in,

    same problem at the top of the boot where the rear wash wipe is, again can be fixed with a little vasaline round the seal


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