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Posts posted by Bourkey

  1. I have to agree with this and im a young driver. You see so many young drivers when they pass and get into there own car they cant control it properly in different weather. It may seem a bit hard but at the end of the day it can create better drivers.

    In Germany you have to take a seperate training system after they pass before they are allowed to go on the motorway and its compulsary. I think that is a good idea to make it compulsary as you see so many people young and old who just dont know how to use the motorway.


  2. I was on it again today and it was clear. Absolutely brilliant. You can hit some good speeds if you know it well like i do but i wouldn't advise it if you dont. This road is already popular so i cant keep it a secret. Sometimes you get the odd fool who doesn't realise its a national speed limit road and goes 30 for the length of it. Apart from them its usally free flowing traffic.


  3. Hi All

    I was driving on my favourite road today for the first time in ages and was wondering what roads people love to drive on. Random topic i know. Anyway mine is the A57 otherwise known as the Snake Pass from Glossop to Sheffield.

    it's a 20 odd mile country road which i know extremely well. I used to go on it all the time but moved quite far away from it. It is a national speed limit road which is a favourite for car enthusiasts and bikers. If you know it well you can get some good speed but if you dont then watch it as it was voted in some mag as one of the most dangerous. Great views all year round aswell!! Go on it trust me.



    whats everybody else's????


  4. I've got a slight feeling that when you finish your car it may look quite like mine. You seem to have same taste as me like black wheels cut out bumper etc. I may change a few ideas now. I dont wanna create a copy of your car. Looks sweet as foooook though!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Hi everyone.

    Just thought id put a picture up of my old wheels on one side of my Starlet. They are the two that i recovered from my burnt out Micra.


    The bad news is i cannot use these two wheels. I was going to keep these and buy another two but i have had them checked and the have been buckled slightly. They said at the shop that they would be o.k. to use on my car at the back but i would notice some wobble on the motorway, and because i do a lot of motorway driving i dont want to take the risk of crashing. Ah well never mind. Im still looking though. Got a few more i like but i cant make up my mind

    By the way does anyone know if Glanza camshafts are better than n/a ones as mine are worn and im considering uprated ones.



  6. Hi all.

    I was wondering if 4efte camshafts are any different to 4efe camshafts. This is because mine are worn and are making a knocking sound now so they need replacing but if the 4efte ones give a little more power then im gonna get some of them.


  7. Don't worry im going to.

    I've been looking at past forum posts on this site and seen some sweet starlets. Im getting all my ideas together on paper and should be starting it soon. I doubt my car will be ready for this summers cruising but it will definately be ready for next summer. A year to go. Seems like a long time but it will fly by when i have things to do in a rush. I've got one or two special ideas that im keeping to myself as i dont know if i can do them yet but watch this space.

    Oh yeah. I've just been given a welder so im goning to get giddy with it an delock and dehandle my car. I might smooth the boot but im not sure if i like it. Is there any pics about with smooth boots anyone?


  8. Ha ha ha good one.

    By the way they are called g4 racing coilovers. They are on ebay. In the search for item box put 4648780997 to see them. The look pretty good. I've seen actual pictures of them as well. they are from Austrailia. I know what you meant about Gforce ones as i have looked at them before. The D2 were the ones i was going to get for my old car but i like the G4 racing and Gforce ones as they match the car like you said.

    Decisions decisions.


  9. 1500 quid wow!!!!! I'd want them to cook my tea for that price. Very nice set of wheels though an they look good in white. I like the Kei Flights on the Starlet aswell but i dont think i would go as mad as 18's. I bought 15's an they cost me £540 wrapped in Yokohama tyres. I was looking at wheels today an i've got a few ideas an im also looking at coilovers aswell.

    I dont know if anyone has seen the G4 ones on ebay but they look pretty good. I've also heard D2 racing coilovers are good. Can anyone recommend a set that i wont need to sell the car to buy?

    Oh yeah here is a full picture of my mates Fiesta. Just to show you the grill. I've just fitted a head crushing 4500 watt sound system to it as well. I was nearly physically sick with the bass. My Starlet beats his 1.4 16 valve aswell!!!!


  10. I think i have found the wheels i want. Somebody mentioned TE37 so i had a look and i think they are great looking wheels. I'll probably change my mind in a few days though. Does anyone know of any prices for these wheels and where i could get them from. Im not buying them yet im just getting ideas.


  11. I like that front bumper. My mate did a design for my bumper and it is almost identical to that. I really like it and im gonna buy another bumper from a scrappy to have a go. What is that extension on the bottom. Is that something you have bought because i like it.

    The Kei wheels are a fantastic looking wheel but you're right they unfortunately don't do them in 16's.

    Oh yeah id had the wheels for 35hours and 25min.


  12. They did!!! they made the car look fantastic!!!

    Im considering something similar with this car. I've already tried the two front wheels which i salvaged off my Micra but they dont fit right. Im going to try an Ebay them. They have some Kerbing to them but they are straight. The back two melted in half. Here is some pics of them test fitted to my Starlet.



    I want to give bodywork a bash because i like doing things myself. Its ten times cheaper. I fitted exhasts, airfilters, sound systems, short shifters, and modified some grills for my car and a mates. Look at this one.


    Im a hands on person :).

    By the way, guess how old the wheels where?


  13. NIIIIICCCEEEE. I like i like it a lot. I've been doing a lot of reading on this site and it seems that 15's is the way to go then. I've only had the car just over a month an im desperate to get it sorted.

    The reason for me gettin this car was i had a Nissan Micra and that was my project car but it was stolen and torched.(long story) see pics



    Also, does anyone know how to do body work mods like smoothing or painting because i've been reading tutorials on the web and i reckon i can do it. I've done bits an bobs but i would like to know more.

    Ps, keep them alloy pictures coming!!!!!!!!!!


  14. Hi everyone.

    Im new to this Starlet site as i have just bought a Starlet.(duuurrrr). Well my car is a UK spec Starlet.


    It is on the grannyfied side of things at the moment but it will soon change. I've already got some clear lenses, removed the side bump strips and taken all the stickers off it. So i will take another pic soon. I've also got some new speakers for the front and a sub so my system is done. I would like help with the wheels though. I cant decide whether i should get 15's or 16's. I will be lowering it on coilovers shortly after getting the wheels so it will be lowered. Please can people put up some pics of their cars so i can see wat 15's or 16's looks like. I've seen 17's and they look cool but i want to keep the handling and speed as i love performance. Any help and advice is welcome.


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