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drew 007

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Everything posted by drew 007

  1. Dont you leave that pipe to vent buddy??
  2. ^^Yeah thats my next portacall matey, thanks.
  3. Me to im also looking for something like this, if i find something cheap il let you know buddy, and you could do the same??
  4. Gutted matey im sure sleeping with 6 nice young women will cheer you up a bit. Get ready birmingham lewis is on the prowl......... ;)
  5. Are you coming to japfets2 lew?? if so we will cheer you up dude. Chin up matey, you have come this far brother...
  6. Im looking forward to seeing all the hard work and time thats been put into this car on sunday....well done guys.
  7. Not a problem Enzo, glad to help.
  8. Devon/corwall way wasnt it?? i know it was a 5 hour train trip to get to see the car.
  9. To far??? your 20 mins from where dave came from lol.
  10. You could weld it i belive. Here is abit of info buddy enjoy... Differences between revision 1 & 2 engines and revision 3 Just a quick list, do not take any of these as gospel: position and orientation of oil filter changed. different internal engine parts, e.g. pistons, con-rods etc. turbo charger changed from Toyota CT26 to CT20B (same intercooler though). boost pressure raised from about 10 to about 13 PSI. power output raised from 220 to 240 BHP. compression ratio slightly lowered. injector size increased from 430cc to 540cc. fuel cut threshold raised from about 12 PSI to about 18
  11. Lol i thought it would be, yeah she is a minter i spent about an hour looking round it this evening, i didnt want to come home lol.
  12. Rev1 and rev2 share the same 3s-gte engine. rev3 + cars comes with a differant 3s-gte engine with a differant lsd dude yes aswell as differant breaks/turbo/bumpers/lights/interior etc....rev1 and 2 both have air flow meters rev3+ users mapp sensors etc...
  13. Yes they do go sideways...but they come back with some anger so be prepared matey. And try and get a rev3 to start with dude.
  14. ^^^ very true, to be fair wrx sti's dont really bother you, well they didnt in mine, but i was running td05 at 1.4 bar.
  15. Could it have been dave?? http://www.ukstarletclub.com/forums/index....c=44441&hl= Ive seen this tonight and it is mint!!!
  16. Out of those i would go for the mr2 every time matey, im just breaking my mr2 after 6 fantastic years, there a great car matey.
  17. Hopefully matey, hopefully.
  18. Naa buddy, thanks anyway im only having a laugh...the thread can get deleted now guys.
  19. Inbox still full!!!! Joking dude.
  20. This just gets worse..........
  21. You knock yourself out matey...why not lol.
  22. Are you trying to piss me off....
  23. hill_bill10 Gets my vote, great pic buddy.
  24. To be honest zac its really hard to keep the faith when you keep getting let down mate. Not having a go but thats how i feel matey.
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