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Everything posted by STARLET88

  1. after i rekon people have more time then! Plus wont be as cold! lol
  2. This woman will meet ya all at junction 24 6pm. lets be nice huh.
  3. Oh dear oh dear! Cheers for that! Later on then?!
  4. Morning todays the day! See you later 6pm junction 24, that right? Having starter motor problems once ive turned her off she wont want to start for an hour or so, so i will be there i just wont be able to turn her off at all for fear of getting stranded! See you all later!
  5. Hey still having trouble with the car, can anybody send me a pic as to where i will find my starter motor? How is it earthed thro the plug??? Wanna check it before i give in that i need a new one! Thanks
  6. Touched a nerve! See you sunday....... oh are you metting us at 24 then.. or shall we not wait 4 you, i mean will you turn up!? ;) ;)
  7. You mean she saw sense? You meeting us at junction 24 aswell then?
  8. Oh hushh i will make an effort on sunday!!! Yer we did convoyed it to japfest. Now u no... dont think she will be around much longer in the big T, makes me sad.
  9. Are you saying my driving in dangerous! hmm! I no why oh why i love the levin!
  10. Lol if u where quicker, you could over take! Ya nah hes selling her =( stoopid boy!
  11. Look i no where i am going! Thats the main thing! lol thats my plus 1 extra toyota on sunday!
  12. Junction 24, then we can drive through the ghetto. lol
  13. I was going to say moto services? ;)
  14. Get you with the big words! Something had come up!.........................(you mean a better offer!) See you sunday..hm!?
  15. Was only asking about times as some people cant come till later on, Whitetrash, are you going to turn up to this one? You never got in touch with the mini meet me and Sam made time after it was your idea! Sam as you gota come past me, shall we meet at bridgwater junction then cruise up in convoy? Cheers! ;)
  16. Rite this is a bit of a story! A few weeks ago i went to start my car she would not start at all! Got in her the next day was fine, then i had it again in a car park but after leaving her 5min she was fine. Thought was strange but i dont realy no what i am looking fo so didnt go fiddling around! Yesterday in the petrol station stuck on number 15 pump she did the same thing! i was stuck there for 30min nothing at all not even a cracking nosie or a dead battery noise nothing no noise that she is even trying to turn over just dead , thought i best ring the RAC they came out to save me after wai
  17. Whats the final arangments then? Times, places?
  18. Cheers add one one 4 me then, u no i cant be trusted using a computer! Week today!
  19. Any more for this then? Its only next week? I can add another toyota to the list but its not a starlet i dont no if thats allowed? Bump up numbers!
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