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Posts posted by Kaaaty

  1. GUtted i'll try soaking them next week or 2 over night and see what happens. i keep gettin told to just do away with the bottom collar as the euro boys dont bother, but i dont want it on its arse and i cant see them not adjusting themselves all over the shop if they dont have that retaining bottom collar

    and i have the correct spanners dean :rolleyes:

  2. hello today i tried loering my coilovers but the bottom collar just would not budge at all.

    The adjustment collar was not seized it went up very easily it was jus the bottom collar these coilys are about 18months old. anybody have any idea how to budge this flippin bottom collar?



  3. hi all its ben a while since my last update. last night i went and picked up my new wheels i love them though they need a refurb in a bright colour im thinking of a blue.

    another thing is the guy i bought them off said they came on in on an imported glanza they are called Pico Racing they are very light and the chap said very rare. i cant find the company online if anyone knows anything about them i'd be very interested to know




  4. i run 0 offset on an 8j rim on mine! a 32 offset is a very minor adjustment and doubt they will extrude its a very minor adjustment and if it catches just raise it abit. if you need any help kate just giv me a shout! :)

    Dean your a star mate cheers. i thought i might get away with it i thought you had around 7 mill either way of the 38 i like the idea of the wheels as far out as legal to get that naughty stance.

    thanks to all that replied


  5. been a while as i have done nothing with the starlet over winter. i was wondering if a 16" 7j wheel with et32 will go on. i have coilies so theres the option for some amount of adjustment. ideally wanted 15s but the price of these wheels is very reasonable jus dont wanna buy to find they dun fit.

    thanks in advance guys.


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