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Posts posted by badsanta

  1. hey guys, i was bored so im postin a pic of my snake (suki) i cant believe i got a pic with her tongue out, kinda rare, it was funny how we all have remote controlled cars just wondering if you had any crazy pets, :)


  2. it was 18 secs,

    it dont matter how big or where a intercooler is, you still need to b going in a straight line to get air to it,

    why is it ok to do it in a nova? they are some peoples pride and joy too

  3. i was goin around in a circle the exact same way asif someone was in a rwd car you knob, it wud the exact amount of air as them, and also wen a drag car does a run they usually have the brake on so they dont go forward much!

    oh stop it skyline, your burning rubber and putting your car thru unnessary strain!

  4. enzo your a legand mate, finally some1 that isnt a sheep, personally id say rallying across dirttracks, bumpy lanes or fields will do more damage, but hey! each to there own i suppose, :)

  5. there isnt a glanza or a gt in this country that hasnt had abuse at 1 stage in its life,

    my car doesnt go thru that on a dayly basis, im sure none of you have ever done a wheelspin or had your car sideways round a roundabout or on a track, because your a fucking angels

  6. have you ever seen a highly tuned skyline do a 9 sec run with doing a burnout to warm up there tyres, my vid lasted 18 secs they do burnouts longer than that, wen they do doughnuts you dont see a fan on the front of there car to cool it down do you!

    it may not be the brightest thing to do, it was fun! i think your way over exagerating

  7. im sure i will do more damage having a race, you guys buy fast cars because you love them, dont preach to me about damaging my car wen you blatently push your car to the limits when having a race!

  8. there isnt any pushing or dragging, because the back of the car is gliding on the trays, thats the difference from a handbrake turn, if you watch the video properly i stop wen the trays burn thru, im sure i did less damage then someone trying to hit topend speeds on a motorway!

  9. can you explain wat damage ive done please, other then loss of rubber on tyres that was going in the bin! i was doing it for about 2 minutes, there wasnt any tention on my handbrake because i was on trays, if i was doing handbrake turns then it is a problem!

    also you guys didnt seem to mind the red gt with side exhaust hitting the limiter in every gear, wats sort of driving is that!

  10. i know thats not really drifting, because im not being pushed by the back wheels in a controlled manor,

    i really shud by a s13 or sumthing to play in,

    but that means i would be burning rubber in it, and putting the car under strain, oh and having fun!

    cant do that can we now! :blink:

  11. my tyres were being changed thats one of the reason we did it, i wanted to see wat a drift felt like, and owning a fwd car the only way to do that is with trays, sorry for my imaturity and chav like behaviour! :blink:

  12. your insurance goes up because of people crashing there cars, not because people have fun in a empty industrial estate, if there was video of a 200sx having fun its cool, but starlets arent aloud, :blink:

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